Its not over yet, God still has the last word



Shalom! to all of you, my beloved blog followers, old or new! I hope your week has been blessed, while waiting for this dark and rainy November to end and to the long waited for December to arrive.

I hope you who already are Christian, have been filled and refilled with the holy spirit, while spending time with Jesus/Yeshua on a personal level by prayer, discussions and worship, and by reading and listening to his word. i also hope that you also have prayed for the election of the united states, and both of the candidates. Those of you who haven' t already received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, I hope you will do that soon, so you can enter to the plan God has for you, he has missed you and longs to have you in his family, just join him! pray the sinners prayer and invite him in.  Tell him you want him to come to your life as Lord and Savior, an that you apologize for you sins and that you are willing to change your old ways and start a new life with him. I also reckomend Derek Princes books and teachings on youtube, and Pastor Vlads teachings and Joyce Meyers teachings, that can give you spiritual ground to stand on so you grow in your knowledge and faith. And try to find a good church to join, there are many avaible I am sure, at least in Europe and in states. I reckomend Pentecostal, evangelical or baptist churches because they are usually spiritually awaken and filled churches.

Now to todays topic, I felt God wanted me to write something about the most recent election in USA, where the media decided to quickly cry out that Biden was the winner and Trump the looser. I have heard about the cheating, dead peoples votes counted, republican overseers not allowed to watch and see that the votes where counted on a fair way as some examples. And I choose to believe there are truth in those accusations. I am not sure in which ones yet, but it will be made known.Because in my spirit, I felt God say clearly: I am not finished with Trump yet, the truth will come out, and my servant Trump will be vindicated.

I am not sure what will be exposed, but its big enough exposure for Biden to be given a good bye ticket from the white house, right according to Gods will. You see Jesus/Yeshua, is 100% Pro Life. Abortions break his heart, and both Harris and Biden support abortion rights up to birth. And God is the one who sent Donald Trump, to be a blessing to USA, so USA can be under Gods protection and blessing and a good example for the other countries in the world. God also hates unfair games.He has seen everything that has been said and done to stop Trump from winning, and he does not like it. The thrown votes, the persecutions towards Trump supporters, the mockings from celebrities, "accidental" water leaks, curses from witches etc. And he will not let the truth to be hidden much longer. The truth will come in to the light. Just be sure that God is in control! it doesn't matter what 60 or 600  well known media channels say, most of them seems to be  freemasons involved in the occult, who have decided to attack everything Christian, conservative, Pro life and Israel friendly, and to use Trump as a scape goat to all the evils of the world.

All our lives will be one day judged in front of God, Jesus/Yeshua the only way, truth and the life, and our inner motives exposed. What is hidden will come out. No matter it suits us or not. You might get 60.000 likes in Facebook as Madonna if you vomit your hatred against Trump in there, but once you leave this earth, all your followers will not come with you. YOU, ONLY you will be held accountable for your words and actions. Famous or not. You can't come with excuses saying: but what about all the others.. There are no perfect people, we all need the mercy of Jesus for our salvation. Yet so many have almost demanded perfection from Trump who is a new Christian only a couple of years old in  faith. I don't see the fairness in it. 

I will end up with some Bible quotes, for all of you to take with you to the weekend and rest of your own lives.

Matthew 7: 1-3:  Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use,  it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? You hyporctite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will se clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye.

Romans 14:10-12: You, then, why do you judge your brother or your sister?Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God's judgement seat. It is written: As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.  So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God".

I urge you to take care of your relationship with God as a Christian/Messianic jew, or to accept Jesus/Yeshua as LOrd and savior in your heart if you are not yet there, and to make sure you are right with God before you leave this earth. He is both Savior and Judge. I will also stand in front of him one day, that is why I do my best to serve him here on earth, greatful for his mercy for all the times I have fallen and will fall, his grace is all we have. The only hope we got in this earth and in the next world.

Take  care & God bless/ Tanja


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