Unborn lives matter, We should stop killing or future!

                        GOD HAS A SPECIAL PURPOSE FOR EACH CHILD                 

Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories, and that you will have a blessed weekend, surrounded and protected by the grace of God.

I hope you who are Christians/Messianic jews, have grown in your faith and been filled with the holy spirit instead of filled with fear, despite the Covid 19 virus spreading, Jesus wants to fill us with peace, and love and his boldness in the midst of this darkness, it is important we take care of our relationship with him, I have found singing worship songs are some of the most fantastic ways to attack the spirit of fear and anxiety, which like the demonic snakes they are, trying to find bait in this time and hour. We should not give in to fear, because fear itself can make people sick. Fresh air, a heart filled with the holy spirit in worship and Bible reading, vitamins and lovely walks outside, is what we all need. Not to stay inside and eating junk and getting fatter and sicker. 

I also hope those of you who haven't already chosen Jesus/Yeshua as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He is the only hope we have! the only way to eternal salvation, the only peace, the only loving caring Lord who died to save your sins and even defeated death so you can be in a relationship with him and  the heavenly father, and the holy spirit he sent us. Jesus has defeated death, and he is more than willing to guide you  to his plan with his life, it will be a bumby road from time to time, but he is always with you, just give him a chance! you won't regret it! He has a special plan for you, you are unique, you are precious and you do have a purpose! just go to him!

Today I have been sad, not only because of the Election situation in USA, where I have heard about cheatings and witches cursing Mr Trump, and all this hatred against Trump I see in social media platforms like Twitter, where leftist Trump haters have behaved like 6 year olds, calling Trump all kinds of names and mocking him with every chance they get. Those people really embarass themselves to the point at times I think is there still hope for humanity! how can so called adult people act like the school bullies I met between ages 6 and 15? immaturity and arrogance seem to be the emotional plagues of this society we live in. The invisible ones, mostly seen throught social platforms.

But also because I know, today babies on this earth has been aborted, killed in their mothers wombs. And I know that if someone like Biden in the end will win, this election or any other elections in the future, they will not give a damn about the rights of the unborn. Biden has told publicly that he supports abortion until birth. And that is discusting and cruel! I know this kind of stuff happens in Israel  too, and I will never support it. And I know from the bottom of my heart, The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, The mighty one of Israel, hates abortions. How do I know that? it is because I have a personal relationship with him, and we speak to eachother on a daily  basis. He is the giver of life, not the taker of life. And everyone who says differently, don't really know him. God has a plan for each child, and if you or anyone you know have been involved in abortions, you need to kneel in front of God, and confess it as a sin and apologize to be forgiven. And to receive healing from the precious wounds of Yeshua, the only way to salvation. 

Even thought I pray for the unborn almost daily, if not daily, there was this one baby I personally prayed extra for, and that was the son of The famous Influencer Bianca Ingrosso and her boyfriend Philip Cohen, who was recently aborted because he didn't want to become a father. Bianca is the daughter of Pernilla Wahlgren and Emilio Ingrosso, well known names in Sweden and certainly in other countries I am sure. How did I know it was a boy? once again, God told me! Lord told me it was and is in heaven a beautiful boy. And i tried to save him with my prayers! but the parents, or mostly the father, decided to kill him anyway.  I started to pray when I heard she was pregnant for a fourth time and three previous times she had gone throught abortions and she had not decided yet what to do.. So it was a risk baby from the beginning. And it broke my heart to hear he was killed. I will keep on praying for his parents, so that they one day will regret their decision and apologize in front of God, so they can see him again and his other siblings in heaven.

That is one of the reasons I decided to write another prolife message, throught my blog, hopefully Yeshua will use it to reach someone. He is the Messiah Israel has been looking for. And he loves Israel dearly! in  the end, both jews and Christians, we will learn how to cooperate, because militant Islamists have targeted us both. Satan wants to get rid of everything connected to Israel, both old testament believers who not yet see Yeshua as their Lord and Messiah, and the ones who are like me and believe Yeshua is the Messiah and King of Israel. Our God. I pray for muslims too, but we must face the fact that Islam is a threat and should not be cuddled with. When I hear about antisemitic attacks and attacks on other Christians, my heart weeps for them too. And I will always have them in my prayers.

Oh yes, the pro life issue. To kill another human being, is a murder, no matter where that human being is. And its even worse to kill an innocent child who cant defend himself/herself.

I myself are the aunt of two beautiful boys, age 6 and almost 5.. They are beautiful, funny and bring so mucj joy to my life and the life of the rest of my family, I can't even imagine my life without them. For them I am "aunt Tanja" and the joy in their faces when they seen me I will remember forever. When I spend time with them, I do wonder how anyone can throw away something this precious?

But you can be forgiven by the grace o God throught Yeshua and if you as a woman carry wounds connected to abortion, know that Yeshua can heal them too if you go to him and repent. Its already in the Old testament, God's sadness when children where sacrificed. I have read it recently in the Book of Ezekiel. I do read or listen to both new and old testament on a daily basis. And at the time of Ezekiel, Israel had started to copy the behaviour of gentile nations among them, and sacrificing their children to idols. And God was upset with them.

This is what is written in Ezekiel 16:20:  And you took your sons and daughters whom you bore to me and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Was your prostitution not enough? You slaughtered my children and sacrificed them to the idols. In all your detestable practices and your prostitution you did not remember the days of your youth, when you where naked and bare, kicking about in your blood. ( The last one in this text is only a parable)

It made God very sad already at that time, when children where killed, and we still have the same God in our world, today, and he lives inside my heart, and longs to live inside other peoples hearts too, jews and gentiles.

There is only salvation in  the name of Yeshua, and he is more than willing to reach out to all who are willing to take his hand. By the way, the last thing I wat is for this blog post to be used against Israel as a nation. There is not a sin in universe that Israel has done, that gentiles have not done also, that I am sure of. In many ways gentiles where the ones who got Israel fall in sin, with their practices. So all humans, are in need of salvation And there is only one way to salvation, and that is  throught the son of God, the sacrificed lamb, The Messiah Yeshuah, Lion of Judah. And I know the day will come, when God will remove the sin of Jakob, and Israel will be saved and wellcome Yeshua back saying: Barusch Hab'a Beschem Adonai.

God is not done with Israel yet, and I as what they used to call"Samarite" a person who has both jewish and gentile ancestry in their DNA, will always pray for Israel and jewish brethren, because Yeshua loves them dearly. He is the one who was behind the love to Israel and jewish people, in the heart of Corrie Ten Boom, and who has given Trump the love to Israel too, and to Pence. Now you know that.

The picture you see under the heading by the way, is a picture of me and my father. It was taken 1989 when I was almost six and we celebrated Christmas. It will be fathers day on Sunday here in Sweden, so I thought to share it to honour the earthly father God has given me. I also share a thought with all the men in this world, who wanted to become fathers but their spouses/girlfriends made abortions anyway, and all the millions of young men in heaven, who could have become fathers if they had given the chance to live on this earth. And the millions of young women, who could have become the spouses of men who now have been looking for miss right for a long time. And mothers themselves. Abortions really kill generations of people, no wonder it breaks God's heart! God is the heavenly father of all fathers, and I will live the rest of my life doing what I feel and hear he wants me to do, because I love him too more than everyone else. Everything I have is from him, even the breaths I take, thank you Elohim!

With this I wish you the best, despite the seriousness of my blog post. I have been called to be the voice of the unborn, and political correctness will never again keep me away from sharing the truth, even when it hurts. The truth can set you free,if you are willing to leave the lie.

Take care, God bless and Shalom/Tanja


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