God created humans with two genders, male and female

                 IN GODS EYES WE ARE EITHER MEN OR WOMEN           

Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers, I hope you have been having a happy week, now that it is only 20 days to Christmas. I hope you have been blessed with more joyfull memories to take with you to the rest of your journey of life.

I also hope you who are not yet Christian/Messianic jews will some day soon choose to become just that, by accepting Jesus/Yeshua in to your hearts as Lord and Savior. And confess him as such, in word and in practice. He is the reason for the season after all, and was sent to earth to save all of us from our sins and eternal separation from our mighty heavenly father. He is the best Christmas gift you can get because once you have entered his kingdom and  family, you will have a friend for life. This world is going to become darker and darker, but with God in your heart you can become one of his lights and light up in a dark world, and he can help you with your struggles and guide you to his will with your life, it will not be easy always, people will be mean and the dark world will try to make you leave Yeshua/Jesus because you will become a treath to them, but if you stick to him and hold on to him, he will never leave you and can use you powerfully. 

And you who already are Christian/Messianic jews, I hope you will keep on growing in spirit, taking time to seek the face of God in prayer and worship, fellowship with other christians and bible reading. If you take care of your relationship now, when the trials come, your faith will stand firm as a rock, by the power and mercy of the holy spirit, the father and the son together that live inside your hearts.

Tonight when I asked God what he wanted me to write about, I heard him say that he wanted me to write about the fact that he has only created two genders. In our "modern" world, there is gender confusion going on. Some children in Swedish preschools don't even know what gender they have, because all books have been thrown away where they use words like boys and girls, men and women, and the teachers promote and stand up for that. I have heard a christian preschool teacher say  that what I just wrote about, she has experienced and its horrible, she is anonymous of course, because of fear of getting fired I guess. They even had thrown away Astrid Lindgrens books and replaced them with books where kids have two dads and two moms. Whoever thinks the dark world is not after our children, must be asleep. It is time we act and stand against this madness.

When you go to the shower and look yourself in a mirror, you will clearly see what gender you have. Men tend to have more hair in their faces, they don't usually have equally big chests that women, and the obvious difference from women is that they happen to have a penis.

Women have often bigger breasts, less hair on their faces, tend to have smaller hands and feet than men, and differently shaped front and backside, and the obvious fact is that they have a vagina. Its not that difficult. Those are facts! no matter how you "feel".

Decades back, children have heard what is natural, already as toddlers, boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. It was still obvious when the Kindergarden Cop movie came out 1991, the one with Arnold Scharzenegger. But something changed somewhere after year 2010. And now children are wellcomed to pride parades, confused about the new teaching of non existent genders and they are shown dancing transexual men asking them who wants to be a dragqueen when they grow up?

I have seen it, its on youtube! if you don't believe it check it out! there is this huge spirit of confusion and perversion that is out there, influencing certain people in leading positions, and we ought to say NO this is not OKAY!

In the Bible, God is clear with the fact that he created men and women, male and female. And what God has created, nobody should change. What God creates, is good. The people who struggle with gender confusion and others in the HBTQ community, can get help, by a merciful loving God, called Jesus/Yeshua, who wants and can set them free from the spirits that confuses them. He is a powerful God, he can do it! they just need to humble themselves and go to him. Men and women are created different, to match and complete eachother . Already nature proofs that, why both a man and a woman is needed when children are made, and when men and women have sex they become one. That is the way God ordained it. 

I will end with a Bible quote to confirm what I said. After God had created the man this is what happened.

Genesis 2:18-24: Then the LORD God said, it is not good for the man to be alone, I will make him a helper suitable for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every animal of the field, and every bird of the sky,and brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and whatever man called a living creature, that was his name. The man gave names to all the livestock, and to the birds of the sky,and to every animal of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper, suitable  for him. So the LORD God caused a deep sleep fall upon the man, and he slept, then he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. And the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. The man said: At last, this is bone of my bones,And flesh of my flesh, She shall be called a woman, Because she was taken out of man.

For this reason, a man shall leave his father and his mother, and to be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife where both naked, but they where not ashamed.

You see, we where created to complete eachother. Man and woman. United in to one. There is no third gender. There is only two. And the entire humanity, with the exception of wery few who where born with two different genitals, has been born as either as girls or boys, growing up to men and women. Its not rocket science. Only logical facts.

The picture of the eldery couple by the way, is a picture of my paternal grandparents, Sirkka and Kyösti . They where married in 1953 and lived happily together, had 5 kids and several grandkids, until march 2003 and my grandfather died. God gave us another 14 years with my grandmother, until he decided to take her home to heaven too, at age 87, 11/12 2017.  One month after her 87th birthday. They are both in heaven now, with my other 7 cousins who never survived their time in their mothers wombs, or where born to soon with defects. From my dads side. In heaven there will be a wonderful family union.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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