God wants us to be a voice for the unborn children


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I don't know who you are, or why you think you are here, but one thing is for sure, it is not an accident. One way or another God sent you here, because he wanted you to see what I am about to write, and have written when you have read my blog.

If you are christian, I hope this blog post will give you courage and strenght to be the salt of the earth, and to be a voice for the unborn without running away in fear, when leftist abortion liberals say boo! if you are not yet christian, and still wondering what happens when you die, if there is any reason for you to keep living or if there could possibly be a god, then I have something to say to you too.

 Yes there is a God, a loving heavenly father who sent his only son to this earth, to save you from eternal separation from him, eternal hell. God the father sent his son Jesus/Yeshua to carry your sins on the cross, so you could be cleansed from your sins and throught Jesus/Yeshua enter in to relationship with the God who is watching you read this right now.  And Jesus who was anointed by God the holy spirit since young age, also sent the God the holy spirit to us to be our helper. Jesus really loves you, and has a special plan for you, all you do is to go to him, ask him to forgive you from your sins and to come in to your heart as Lord and savior. Then he can and will move in to your heart, and start working inside you to form you to the person you would have been without the sinful nature that you and I inherited from Adam and Eve, when they fell and rest of humanity became under sins bondage with them. To keep growing thought , it is important than when you receive Jesus/Yeshua in your heart, that you will keep spending time with him. Read his word( The Bible) seek prayer time in front of his face, and make sure you have other christians to spend time with, pray with, and share thoughts and questions with, so you can keep walking in the light. We are not meant to be solo walkers /warriors as Christians, we need eachother and we all have gifts given from God to help eachother to be buildt up. Just go to him, he has overcome death and can set you free from all fear to, so you can be as bold as you wish to be and need to be in this fearful world. He can fill the void in your heart that cries for relationship with your savior and creator. Just go to him! please! while you still have time!

Now to the subject of this blog post, once again, God told me to write another prolife message, so it clearly is one of his heart issues, why I believe he shared his heart with me and made it one of my heart issues. I have always loved children, I grew up in a big family and it was normal to me to visit my grandma in Finland and together with the other cousins of mine in my age or older, to play with and help and take care of the younger ones. I counted my grandmother in Finland had 16 grandchildren, at her 60th birthday when we together gathered in a camp area and celebrated her and spent time together. And I used to work in preschool as a preschool teacher from age 20 to 29. I was an intern already as a college student in 2 different kindergardens.

Later on I found out from a prophet, that I have a shepherds calling, and that I will lead young people to Jesus. And I realized that God has done just that for years. Not just young kids, cousins, my sister and friends kids, but also young in faith christians. And at pro life manifestations, there he has used me and other pro life christians too. Trust me fellow christians, you are needed on the streets! Your voice, your courage, your testimony is so important. 

Here in Sweden, a great falling away has occured in churches. It is clearly seen in two different situations, when speaking about pro life issue, and marriage issue. In pro life issue, extremely few pastors or preachers have taken a public stand against abortion, despite the fact that over 1.4 millions of unborn have been killed in Sweden, while in their mothers wombs. Despite the fact that Jesus really wants us all to be the salt of the earth, and stand up for the rights of the unborn.

About the marriage issue, the same people who dare not stand against abortions publicly, also refuse to stand against gay marriages publicly, in fear of offending the gay people or being sued or worse have bad reputation. They should think about their spiritual reputation. What does God think about this kind of behavior? to fear mens opinions more than his? I feel him say to me: It grieves me! I have called them to be the salt of the earth, but by givin in to fear of man, they forget that I am also the judge. They need to repent! or I will not acknowledge them at my return, before my father and the heavenly angels. My children, I am being serious! persecution is part of the package, but I will richly reward you if you choose the narrow way. I hate hands that shed innocent blood. It is in my word, repent! I can see who you are, and I can hear what you are thinking. I can forgive abortion, and heal the wounds connected to it, and set you free from the spirit of death, and the curse that comes from killing an innocent child. But you need to confess it as a sin, verbally, in front of me, so I can forgive you. And you can see your child in heaven, some of you have done more than one abortion. I am a holy God. Repent! I never accepted gay marriages, but I can set the gay men and women free, from the bondage of homosexuality. There is a spirit behind it. The spirit of homosexuality. Often rooted in rejection. Or sexual abuse. But I have come to heal the broken hearted, open prison doors, and set the captives free. I am right here! let me in! in to your hearts! so you can find the true meaning of your life. So I can save you, heal you, bless you and use you. Just come!/ The heavenly father

We must remember, that this world, is only temporary. That means that we who really will walk the narrow way, and by the supernatural grace and strenght of God will make it without rejecting Jesus when persecuted, make it to eternal heaven with our Lord and savior, will share that world with all the aborted children. They had plans, God had plans for them! there are beautiful coloured gospel singers that could have reached thousands of souls, but where killed because Planned Parenthood( Planned genocide) decided to go to a black neighbourhood and make themselves known and with manipulation succeeded to convince women there to do abortions. With one agenda, to keep the black population down!

  There are beautiful girls from china there, who would have been spiritually sensitive and good wifes and mothers to build up a better and wealthier china, who have economic problems and hundreds of thousands of men with no wifes because gender based abortions. They could have reached souls to! and other children from different colours, soldiers who would have reached fellow soldiers with the gospel, prayer warriors, singers, politicians, brothers,sisters, best friends, coworkers, doctors and teachers. 

They where and are humans!! never fetuses! and we can never solve problems with killing them when they are in the wombs of their mothers. 

God hates covardice, and really wants us who call ourselves by his name, to represent him. Jesus never backed, even when facing death. And he can give us the strenght and courage to be the salt of the earth and stand against murder of innocent and even partake in saving them. And be their voice! we are all they have! and there are still women who are planning abortions, and need you to support pro life organizations that help them with financial problems so the  babies can be saved, God bless the storck bus! and onlineforlife.org And Abigail Johnson, plus my former teacher Mats Selander the founder of the Christian value party that is fighting for survival in Sweden right now, I am gathering names to stand up for the only 100% prolife party in Sweden. The one I personally support financially is called mro(människorätt för ofödda) English translation is human rights for the unborn.  https://www.abortnej.se/  I must warn you they have heart breaking pictures and videos of the horrors unborn babies face on a daily basis, when getting aborted.  But that is the reality majority of Swedish people support when supporting the rights to abort babies whenever you feel like it. They simply don't want to call them humans. Like Hitler didn't want call jews humans and slave traders didn't want to call black people humans earlier. History keeps repeating itself. God help us!

I end with some Bible quotes:

Proverbs 6:16-19: There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him, haughty eyes,a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviced wicked schemes, feet that are  quick to rush to evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person that stirs up conflict in the community.

Jeremiah 1:15( The call of Jeremiah) The word of the Lord came to me, saying: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you where born, I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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