The fear of man leads to eternal damnation, don't give in to it!


Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. Its 13 days to Christmas, and I am sure you all look forward to it equally much as I do. Most people have been decorating their homes with Christmas candlesticks and stars. In our home we also have a nativity set made with porcelain, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, some shepherds, wise men and animals. And we have started to bake ginger breads and other Christmas related stuff. It is very dark and rainy in Sweden right now, so baking lights up the mood a little.

We will have two Christmas celebrations, one with my sister, her boyfriend and their sons, and one with my brother and his fiancé. This way we will not cross the" allowance limit" made by our government because of the corona virus.

I hope you are doing great this winter friday, and that you will have a great and blessed weekend. In full health and happiness. If you haven't received Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as Lord and Savior yet, then I hope you will do that soon, what better time to do that than at Christmas when  the celebrations of Jesus birth starts? a wonderful way to show gratitude to the heavenly father, for giving us his son so our souls could be saved. Thats how much he loves you! eternal life is a gift too! the best one you can get!

If you are already a Christian or Messianic jew, I hope you have grown in spirit this week, and that you will never give in to fear of man, before fear of God. My message today, I think is mostly meant to born again Christians. Because even amongs us, I am grieved to say, the fear of man has spread like a worse plague than corona. And I felt God tell me to warn about fear of man, when I asked him what he wanted me to write about tonight. There is someone who sees this blog who is meant to see it. Who is struggling with fear of man and needs to get rid of it. I am not perfect, I too have fought against fear of man and sometimes feel like I still need to fight it. But I am fighting it. And I will overcome it by the grace of God. If you fight it, you don' t give in to it. 

When I have walked the last steps to pro life manifestations, so hated by the leftist feminist mobb, knowing how badly people will scold me and judge me even publicly for standing up for the rights to the unborn, I have had my battles with fear of man. It is not easy. But it was never meant to be easy to walk the narrow road. And that is where God has sent me, he told me personally a couple of years ago that he wanted me to become a voice of the unborn, first I only supported the organization with money, then later on God sent me to the streets. And I have been having so many interesting conversations with people! I would not replace them with anything I got. Despite the angry hurtfull comments from women who still have wounds in their hearts after what they have done, but have been told over and over they did what was right. Why they get offended when they see the unborn children. Sweden is a conflict fearing country. But it doesn't match with my faith or my calling, why I have chosen to put God's will first. Not without tears, not without struggles and not without pain. But with Jesus by my side. And millions of children in heaven waiting for me, who's stories I long to hear in eternity. Some even from my own family tree. All children have eternal souls, even the unborn ones. 

If you want a life where everything always is easy and comfortable, and you never will face conflicts or opposition, everybody always agree with what you say, what you do, what you don't say and what you don't do, then its not the right way. Jesus is the only way, truth and the life, and without him there is no salvation. But it costs to belong to him. The right way is not the easy way, but it is still the right way. And nothing should be more important to any Christian, than doing what God wants, live a life that pleases him, so they can have a loving relationship on earth as well as in eternity.

But this world, is promoting and feeding the fear of man. The fear of man is behind statements and thoughts like: Do I really have to wear the cross to work/school today? I mean my coworkers/classmates are atheists, what if they make fun of me? What if they choose to avoid me or start gossiping about me? Do I really need to say I am a Christian when someone asks about faith issues, I mean my faith is private! what bussiness is it of others? they might not understand and I don't want people to look at me and think I am a Jesus freak, a right wing extremist! that would be scary!

Do I really need to leave this organization/club, only because I feel in my heart that its what God wants? If I leave that organization/club then I will no longer get any financial benefits from it.  Then how will I manage financially? yes I know they mix religions, and refuse to say anytning that could be offensive, but I need the money!

Do I really need to pray everyday? what if my family and friends get worried and think I am crazy? what if my boss or friends try to reach me when I pray? they need me to be available to them, all the time. I do have so many other things to do, how can I find time to pray? 

Do I really need to take part in sharing the gospel? on the streets. I mean they might take pictures, and I might loose my job if my boss/collagues see that I am standing on the streets preaching and acting like an extremist  bible thumper! If I loose my job I can't pay my bills. I rather stay at home and go to church but keep it private. 

Do I really need to read the Bible and live after it? the carrying of cross thing seems scary, and my friends and family might not understand if they found me with a Bible on my lap. 

If you are thinking this kind of thoughts, you are a victim of the fear of man, and need to think again.

You, who have chosen Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord, should not even think about denying him in front of unbelievers. He died for you naked on the cross, in public. He deserves to be treated like the gift the amazing savior and wonderul loving God and friend he is. Not something to be ashamed off.

What God thinks, should matter more than what people think. Because all of the people, you are trying to please and look good in front of, won't be there when you stand face to face with God after you left this world. Listen to God's warnings, and obey him! no matter what! Jesus can take care of you. He can open new doors if your faith in him costs you your friends, family or job.

You do need to read the Bible, so when you face a false prophet/teacher you will know he is false. And so you can grow in sensitivity with your spirit.  You do need to pray and seek the face of God, so you can get the strenght and peace you need to face future trials, and you will learn how to hear God's voice and separate it from other voices. He wants to speak to you! just keep listening.

And If God wants you to leave an organization/club even with christian label on it, you should obey and ask him to guide you to his will with your life. He can send you a new job. Or guide you to a more faithful group/organization which don't compromise with the world.

And you are needed on the streets as gospel sharer, there are lost people out there who long to hear your testimony from how you met Jesus and how much he even longs to meet them, because he loves them so much. Yes wicked people will come, but they are wicked because they don't know the love of Jesus. Yes people will take pictures, you might end up in the newspapers, but what a wonderful way to stand publicly up for your savior? people in your school or work might even ask you questions that God can use to reach them.

Fear of man, now just as much as earlier, can and will lead to eternal damnation if you let it lead you to there. If you never take care of your faith,stand up for your faith, if you never share your faith, if you even renounce the name of Jesus Christ when you either renounce him or you will be killed. It often begins with renouncing Jesus with your life, then it ends to renouncing your faith by your mouth. And that is the door to hell. By your own choice. So please don't go there! Jesus can give you all the courage, strenght and peace you need. Just turn to him!

I end with some well known Bible verses, or should be well known anyway.

Romans 12:2:  Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Matthew 10:28: Do not be afraid  of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead fear the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Romans 14:10-12:  You then, why do you judge your brother or sister? or treat them with contempt?  For we will all stand before God's judgement seat, it is written: As surely as I live says the Lord, every knee will bow before me, every tongue will acknowledge God.  So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

Matthew 10:24 -32: The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. If the head of the house is called Beelzebul, how much more the members of his household!  So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.  What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight, what is whispered i your ear, proclaim from the roofs.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are  not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your fathers care. And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid! you are worth more than any sparrows. Whoever acknowledges me before others , I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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