Jesus wants you to put your trust in him!


                                         ONLY BY TRUSTING JESUS CAN WE EVER ENTER HIS WILL      

Shalom! to all of you, my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all fine and healthy, this day and age, and that your weekend will keep on being blessed by God's grace. 

In Sweden it has been a bit cold lately, but tomorrow it will be up to 19 minus degrees outside, so the coldest day of several years is yet to come. I plan on ordering a fluffy fur hat, to keep me warm, once I find one without visible connections to the leftist part Russia( no offence to russians, I respect russia it is a beautiful country with beautiful people and I am happy so many are christian and conservative in there) but the fur hat I found on internet, was not  quite my type, it was similar to Lenins. My russian neighbours would just laugh at me, haha. 

Anyway, I do wish you all the best, which is why I hope you who havent received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior yet, will do that soon. And those of you who have, I hope will keep on spending time with him, listening to him, obeying him, reading his word, seeking his face in prayer and in worship, so you can grow in spirit, and be more and more formed by his spirit to the people you would have been without the sinful nature inside you. It is a process, but for it to keep on moving forward you must want to look at Jesus, not just as a passenger or guide to your road trip of life, but the Lord of it also. Let him guide you to his will, and be willing to obey. If you have a family and a little free time, listen to bible teachings and worship music while you do the laundry or the dishes, or invite your children to sing christian songs with you and to dance to christian music. They will get many good memories and will be more open to Jesus later on if you do so. Thats what my parents did, my mother played piano and sang christian songs and lullabies to me and my siblings, our father blessed us and prayed for us before bedtime, it let me feel spiritual warmth and safety I later on got to know as the presence of the holy spirit. Now 3 out of their 4 kids have received Jesus as Lord and Savior. We are on different maturity steps, but we are getting forward everyday. 

Today I felt God want me to write about the importance to trust in him. There is so  much fear and insecurity in this world, not at least connected to the Covid 19 outbreak and the following global vaccination program. Even some christians seem to fear death, like it was the end of everything. 

But we are  not supposed to think that way. We, christians, are meant to trust God. To have and share something non christians don't have and therefore can't share. And that is faith and hope i someone who has defeated death, Yeshua Hamaschiach, Jesus Christ. With him in your heart as Lord and Savior, no matter when you leave this world, your soul will be safe. Death is not meant to scare us, Jesus has said himself in his word:

 John 11:25

"  Jesus said to her( Lazarus sister) : I am the resurrection and the life. The one who belives in me will live even thought they die".

You see, there really isn't any such thing as death. Because that would mean we would stop existing when our hearts stop beating. But that isn't the case. No matter who you are, and how you leave this world, your eternal soul will keep on living, either in heaven with Jesus/Yeshua( that will someday with Jesus at his return come to earth) or in hell, where the devil and his angels will spend eternity someday. It is really up to you. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, and he carried your sins upon him at the cross, so you could be reunited with him and the heavenly father that sent him. You where created into his image, just as I was. We are all meant to be in relationship with God, who sent us to this earth in the first place. All hearts long for God, all hearts long for Jesus, but some people simply are looking in wrong places like in Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Aesir faith, Mormonism, Jehovas witnesses, Hare Krishna etc.

Therefore, as a born again Christian, I am happy I will never have to fear death. And I hope all of you fellow christians will join me, trusting God and his protection.

Yes, people will sometimes die before their time, not just in covid, but also in cancer, heart diseases, strokes or other health problems, even born again christians. But death is not the end of it all. Sometimes the decision is from God, because he knows what will happen in the future, and sometimes take people home prematurely because the other option, let them stay, is not the right one.

But there are times diseases are connected to curses, that have come to your life because of the decisions you have made or your ancestors have made, like involving in the occult, Israel hatred/antisemitism, unforgiveness, partaking in abortions, playing with yoga and other false religions etc. Sometimes it is only because you have chosen the wrong diet, that means a medical reason like celiac disease that you don't know about that can cause stomach cancer. Or because you have worked a lot and that has causes strain on your neck or back.

To know what causes sickness in you case, you need to seek the face of God. In prayer face to face, but also I have found other peoples prayers for me in christian gatherings in different sizes, helpfull. 

Either way, what I am trying to say with this blog post, is that you can put your trust in Jesus/Yeshua.

Whatever struggles you have, he is more than willing to help you. Heaven is a wonderful place, a wonderful holy place, with no tears or fears, if you trust him you will be with him forever even when  you face earthly death. But before that you have a person with you, that has seen you since before the earth was created, and who thought of you while suffering on the cross, who loves you more than anyone else ever will. And his name is Jesus/Yeshua. Trust him! he knows what plans he has for you, and whatever you will face, with him you will not face them alone.

I will end with another Bible quote:

Matthew 11:28-30:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

Jesus loves you! just go to him! as a believer already or as a spiritual seeker, he is what you need, now and forever.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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