Only if we love Jesus more than money, can we make it to the end


                                        THE LOVE OF MONEY IS ALSO A SIGN OF THE END TIMES

Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. Today is the first day of the year 2021, and we have just celebrated the arrival of it, here in Sweden, and in many other countries, only of course not at the same time. I have tried to find some rest, after sleeping over in my friends house where I have celebrated new years eve almost every year a couple of years back now. I thank God for the blessing of the friends I still have close at my heart. They have been very good to me.And I love them. Some friends have decided to leave without saying anything, one has died and went to heaven, and with some friends I have had to cut ties personally with temporary or until eternity, because of conflicts that keep on arising and don't seem to be able to be solved with my heart protected. But in peace and no bitterness.  And there are friends of life, the ones that stay and I can trust.

I hope you who have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord and Savior, will do that this year, because that is the only way you can fill the empty void in your heart that is waiting for him. The one that drives people to drink, use drugs, have many sex partners, searching for wealth,and even deppression, because they are looking for something. Something only Jesus/Yeshua can give them. And nothing else will do. There is nobody out there that can give you that kind of deep unconditional love that comes from God. There is a place in our hearts that is only meant to God, since we are created in his image ,and meant to be in a personal relationship with him.  Go to him! don't be afraid! let Jesus/Yeshua save your soul and carry and help you throught whatever you might face this year. And rejoice with you when you are happy and feel blessed. He loves you and has a special plan for all of you. Don't give up! turn to him! your life does have a purpose.

You who already are Christian/Messianic jews, I hope you will keep on growing in faith, and that you will take more and more time seeking God's face in prayer, fellowship with other believers, bible studies and worshipping. That way you grow in spirit and faith. By the grace of God, received in faith and applied with personal time with him. On a daily basis. 

I am not 100% sure what will happen this year.  But I hope Covid 19 virus will leave and that nobody will be forced to take the Covid 19 vaccine against their will, anywhere. I hate that discusting virus, but I am not fond of being in the front line of a vaccine either, especially that one which is so new hardly any healthcare workers I have talked to this far, know enough almost anything about it, I waited for an hour to talk with "vårdguiden" in Sweden, for one single question: which serious allergies can put a person in danger  if she/ he has them and takes the vaccine? only to get the answer: we don't really know! you will have to ask the ones who will be giving the vaccines! there are no answers of the long term affects of it either, and it has been made in a rush. So no thank you. I will say no. God warned me spiritually about the vaccine, and I choose to listen to him. As long as I can say yes or no, I will say no. Thats all anyone of us can do. And trust God's protection if it is enforced on us, he can protect us if/when that happens that he has told me too. I will pray against this virus and its victims. It is important we don't give in to fear, fear can be a door opener for all kinds of diseases.

Today, when I asked God what he wanted me to write about, I felt him say he wanted me to write about materialism, warn against it.

Our entire society, is influenced by materialism, and throught social media channels, we hear about how wonderful life can be, if you are financially wealthy. You can have big house, many cars, a pool, be able to travel more and see the world, you can have political power and when in trouble with the law, afford the most expensive lawyers and have personal doctors. And personal trainers. Get to walk on the red carpet and have a famous fancy name. We can wear fancy clothes so everyone can see how wealthy we are, and eat luxurous foods. But in the end, we can never take anything like that with us to eternity. All that we have, we will have to leave one day. 

There are also christians, who value others depending on their material assets. The poor ones are exluded, and the wealthy ones are included, in private dinners and social gatherings. The wealthy ones are heard in social platforms, and the poor ones ignored, like they where nothing. That is a behaviour that is unbiblical, and needs  to be  repented off. In God's eyes we are all important, we all have gifts, we all have callings, and God needs us all. And even amongs christians, material temptations is hanging over their heads.

There are choices some Christian leaders/pastors/ preachers have taken, even bad ones, only because of the involvance of money. Even choices they have taken without asking Jesus/Yeshua first. That is spiritually dangerous, and also need to be  repented of. God's will should always be done.

Some of these choices, have lead to false teachings and lukewarm christianity. Preachers/pastors/spiritual leaders have chosen to not talk about sin, and how important it is to repent from it, in fear of sounding too "judgemental"and "scare /offend away the people", especially  the wealthy ones.  And some have decided to stay in clubs/organizations that God has told are not living according to his will, only because they provide their churces with money. Once again it is an act of fear. They should ask themselves what will God find offensive? for the leaders to lie to thousands of people, saying living in sin is okay as long as you are happy, and deceive them so the listeners souls might and will go forever lost?, or if you tell them the truth, how big Jesus/Yeshua is and how he can set them free from bondage of sin, so they don't have to go forever lost, if they are willing to repent and let him be their savior and Lord? Jesus/Yeshua values peoples souls more than money, what you say or do as a christian, especially in a leading position, affects others.

There already is a big battle of souls going on in this earth, and it is spiritual . Between God and Satan. And trust me when I say, Satan will use ANY means he can, even love of money, to make sure you will spend eternity with him and his fallen angels in hell.

Therefore it is important, that we remember what Jesus/Yeshua did for us on the cross, and love him above anyone or anything else.

Even the mark of the beast, is connected to buying and selling. The Antichrist will most certainly reward his loyal followers, with anything money can buy. And lure people to take the chip, tempting them with everything materialistic that can be bought. If we join him. I can imagine him going to a poor farmer in Colombia saying if you take this chip, you will be given a big house, a great job, and a life you have only dreamt of this far, and your family will be provided for. What has your christian God ever given you? just take this chip, and your dreams will come true! 

So we must be careful, to not fall into the trap of materialism. Yes you might be wealthy, you might have the life of your dreams here on earth, if you take the broad way, but it is not eternal. It is temporary. If you love money more than God, you will become a easy bait for the devil when he uses his puppets to lure you away from God with money. When you leave this earth, after taking the chip, you will never drink water again. Eternal hell in eternal despair. So please don't give into it.

Jesus died a painful death, to save your soul. And he wants you to be with him, now and forever, he can even help you to get free from bondage of materialism.  Just turn to him. 

I will now end with some bible verses. I felt God say he wanted me to do it.

1th Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.  It is throught this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

2th Timothy 3:1-4: But mark this; There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be loves of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive , disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- Having form of godliness, but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Luke 12:15:  And he said to them, "Take care, and be on your  guard against all covetousness , for ones life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions".

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless, and a happy new year! 


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