When Jesus looks at a unborn child, he sees a human being not a fetus!



Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, many or few.  I hope your week has been blessed and that you are all in great health, despite whats happening in this world. I hope you will have a blessed weekend too, in the grace and mercy of Jesus. He has sent you to this earth, and loves you very much. Which is why I hope those of you who haven't received Jesus in your hearts as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He is already waiting for you and has a special plan for your life. You who like me who are christian, I hope you have been growing in your faith, while spending time with our Lord in prayer , worship, and bible studies and personal discussions heart to heart. Worship music really is a great medicine to all sicknesses, all fear, and all worry. My fauvorites are: 1. Ray Boltz, the anchor holds 2. What a healing Jesus( all artists sing them wonderfully just pick a fauvorite if you are interested. 3. Hillsong, Living Hope. 4. Ray Boltz: I pledge allegiance to the lamb 5. Im no longer a slave to fear. Jonathan David and Melissa Helser. 6. Paul Wilbur, for your name is holy 7. Terry McAlmons Hallelujah. If you are struggling with fear or/and sickness or anything that pulls you down or simply want to hear great worship music, I reckommend those songs, they are all in youtube.

Today, I will write shortly about the unborn children, I felt God want me to write another pro life message. United States just got a new President, Joe Biden, and I have heard he will put an end to all Trumps decisions even concerning supporting the pro life movements in america. And that has grieved both God, me and all christians who are spiritually awaken and old enough to realize how important it is to stand up for the rights of the unborn. Yet he is called a catholic and some people have admired him for going to church at christmas, like going to church would automatically mean a persons heart was right in front of God. Most Catholics I have met, are pro life. So I don't understand how he can be or call himself a Catholic when he is not prolife. I know a person who wants to obey Jesus, and knows him personally, cannot support the murder of the unborn. Yes there are young christians who are not spiritually there yet, but I know after speaking to Jesus face to face spirit to spirit heart to heart, he can't and will never support abortions. He can forgive, he can heal and he can save the ones involved, mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers.. but it is a murder. And murder is a sin.

 There are thousands if not more than thousands of church goers, who behind the holy religious fasade they put on when attending church, in private buy sex from trafficking victims, attend freemasons and other occult clubs/organizations where they do stuff I don't even want to mention, but it is real bad. And thousands of other church goers, who have unforgiveness in their hearts against someone else, knowing fully what Jesus said about  importance of forgiveness in the Bible. And even thousands of others, who support the right to kill the unborn. Perhaps even kill the unborn themselves a a job. Believing God thinks its okay. It is not.

What I mean is that going to church, does not mean everything is right with God. You need to have a personal relationship with Jesus, and let him be the Lord of every area of your life. And that is a process. You more you spend time with Jesus, the more you grow in spirit and get more and more the person you would have been without the sin in your life. You need to speak to him, listen to him, obey him, and trust him. And read his word. He speaks to me as person to person, as well as through his word. I am now almost 18 years in Christ, I received him as my savior and Lord 2003 at age 19. 

And I have grown a lot throught the years, and learned a lot. The closer I came to him, the more I started to feel what he felt about different issues, like in todays topic, the pro life issue.

I can only thank him for sending me so many prayer warriors, that he used as vessels to pray for me, speak to me prophetic words and pray for my deliverence from different ares of my life, so I could start personally hearing him in the first place. Now we talk every day, even at night times on a  regular basis.

And he has made it clear to me, like to many others of his children, that he is against abortion. It breaks his heart and brings judgements to nations as well as individuals. Only repentence and going to him and confess it as a sin, in huge number, which begins when people humble themselves and start thinking about life in eternal perspective. And go to Jesus for forgiveness. And gives pride a kick on its ugly butt. Jesus can forgive all sins, and heal all hearts, from individuals and nations, but we must turn to him for it to happen. Repent, apologize, confess and receive salvation, forgiveness and healing.

That when we kill a innocent human being, no matter how he or she was conceived, we kill another human being, a person who God had a plan for. And that little persons entire life, and Gods plan with it is killed together with him/her. There are actually christians out there, I have read a testimony from one, this far only young people, who think that abortion is not against God's will. Since bible never really speaks about it. 

Yes, it is true, the word abortion is not in the Bible. But there are words of God's anger against child sacrifice, and killing innocent people.  And it is clear to everyone who really spends time reading it and spend time personally with God, that we are created to the image of God, and when innocent blood is spilled, it  breaks god's heart. It is a serious sin that need to be confessed as a sin and repented off. That he has made clear to me, and all of the thousands if not millions pro lifers allover the world. We would not be here if God had not sent us. Without God and his guidance, there would not be Storck bus, a vehicle that allowes pregnant women see their unborn children and their heartbeats throught a free ultrasound screen, there would not be onlineforlife.org, in Sweden MRO( människorätt för ofödda, humans rights for the unborn) or beadchaim.com in Israel where they help women so they can keep their unborn children, with food, diapers and clothes for the babies.

Some people have prejudices about prolife movement, they think that prolife movement people only stand with banners with killed babies on it saying it is murder to kill unborn, and then when women keep their kids they don't care about them anymore. That is not true.

In Sweden we don't have the same amount of money(yet) to make a change, like in USA and many other countries. But in USA and Israel, women that are pregnant and perhaps are poor, are supported with emotional support, clothes, food, with money, even with connections to adoption centers. They help them for real so they don't have to kill their babies. And that is equally much saving a life as it is to save a person from a burning house, yet prolifers are gossiped about and labeled too look like the extremist crazy cult people. They also have places where women can call and get support and prayer after abortions, like we have in Sweden.

All children have eternal souls, no matter they are still  in the womb or not.  When God looks at a pregnant women, he sees the face of both the woman and the child. And the special plan he has for both. 

I will end this blog post with Bible verses, like usually I do. I hope you will take time reading them and take them to your heart. The first one is about what Israel in the past had done when they copied the behaviour of the gentile people around them, that angered God.

Psalm 106: 37-44 : They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons, they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,and the land was polluted with blood. Thus they became unclean by their acts, and played the whore in their deeds.

Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against his people, and he abhorred his heritage, he gave them into the hand of the nations, so those that hated them ruled over them."

In history, God has judged Israel for their sins, and not only Israel even other nations, in a way that I know will soon be the fate of Sweden. By taking away his protection, and allowing other nations to become rulers of Israel. Like with the romans at Jesus time. At roman occupation. Sometimes he has even supernaturally intervened so that will happen. As a way of judgement. The last thing left to do so Israel would humble themselves and realize their sin and be willing to turn back to God and repent. It is a last resolt. When there was no other way for God to take. And often Israel realized their sin , repented,and apologized and God send them help so they won over the gentile rulers in battles.

I believe Sweden will experience war and be occupied, partly or completely by another nation, in near future, as a judgement of God. As a way to say enough is enough. You need to  repent. Sweden will be in war with Russia. As a judgement from  God. I am not 100% sure wha will unleash it, but i have sensed is has something to do with NATO. And Finland I am sorry to say, will be drawn in to it too, I suppose Norway and Denmark too. It has to happen.

Many people have been having prophetic dreams about it, not only me, even non christians. Its only a matter of time. 

And when it happens, people will of course blame God. Like many do with corona. But in the end, it is the sins of humans, like rejecting Jesus as savior, choosing money or celebrites as God, abortions and other horrific acts and contempt towards everything Christian, that is the reason why God allows judgements to come. It is not God's fault. Many churches have fallen asleep and stopped preaching the importance of repentence and renouncing sin, stopped preaching the truth about marriage should be between a man and a woman, something Bible clearly says, and stopped spreading the gospel. Because of fear of man and pride.

But it is also an act of love, he has said to me that when judgement comes, it will lead to people being humbled and returning back to him. Yes war is horrible. But to see nation become so proud that leads to millions of souls going lost, if judgement does not come, is worse.

Here I will share one more Bible verse.

Psalm 127:3 : Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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