God's will has not changed- He wants us to marry the opposite gender



Shalom! to all my blog followers. I hope your week has been happy and blessed, and that your weekend will be happy and blessed also.

I plan to attend a manifestation, that right now mainstream media seem to plan doesn't exist. If you want to know which one. Come to Stockholm Sergels Torg tomorrow( also called plattan) the one with checkboard floor near Kulturhuset. At 1 pm.

I still think people should have the rights to make their opinions known, and  go against mainstream media and corrupt politicians talk about the Covid 19 situation. They make all who want to not take the Covid 19 look like anti vaxxer maniacs who want people to die. Which we are of course not. We simply don't trust our government and what they say about the situation. I myself will go there because God wants me there to pray for the people. The people who will attend the manifestation, are often upset, there are doctors there too, who know the truth but have been silenced by the mainstream media and sometimes even blocked at social media platforms. So you wont see me jumping on police cars and casting cocktails around me or shout and scream. I will be there, to pray, and document. Thats it. As a born again Christian. How long I will allowed to be there, tomorrow will tell.

In many parts of our world, you can be sure that when your opinon about almost anything at all, is opposing what our governments or other authorities say or think, about a specific issue, the chance is big that you are not allowed to spread it. Thats where we are heading. Even in Sweden. I know, since I have been publicly pro life since around 2014. And been surrounded by the cops several times asking me of the warrant. If something upsets someone, that needs to get rid of. 

But not in all situations. If you say the right things, like abortion is womans right,  being married to whom you wish, is your right, and that Trump is a white supremist nazi, then its okay to say it! And that Israel is an occupation state. But if you say differently, be sure your democratic rights are either non existent or temporary. I don't hate anyone, I am a christian who is called to love and spread the gospel. But I am not going to be a coward who refuses to share the truth, about issues that might even upset thousands people. Because truth is truth, and facts don't care about your feelings! and as christians we are meant to share the truth. The truth will set you free! the lies will keep you in bondage to the darkness.

If you know, milllions of people seated in airplaines are going to crash in to a huge mountain, and after that they will be eternally trapped in hell. Why wouldnt you want to warn them? say: Hey, I am a child of Jesus, and in his word he says those planes will crash to the mountains and if they do the souls of the people in the planes will be lost. Don't go in to the plane! 

You might ask, who would want to sit in a plane like that? headed to the mountans, to crash and people in the planes going to hell. The truth is: They have been deceived!

 Because they got directions from lying cowards to spiritual leaders/politicians/ or other people, to go there because the mountains are wonderful, beautiful, and denying them the right to fly there, would make you look judgemental and evil, how can you deny them the rights to fly to the mountains? why would a good God want to deny the people the travellers to experience the beauty of the mountains? it makes them happy to see them, the trip will be wonderful with many laughs, online book writings, amazing movies, fantastic shows and all the enjoyment that they can get. There will also be spiritual leaders, who don't want to be called judgemental, don't want bad publicity, and dont want people to leave their church, who say: go ahead, go to the mountains!! enjoy your flight!

The captains of those planes, say you can live as you wish, and still go to heaven. That there is no sin. And that there are other way to heaven not just Jesus. And because you are saved by grace you dont need to repent. That what Pope says is more important than whats Jesus says in the Bible. They ar hindus, buddhists, muslims and atheists. They simply deny Jesus as the only way to salvation. And some even teach witchcraft, like fortune telling, angel worshipping in new age etc. They tell the people lies but make them seem like truths. And they seem more pleasing than all this "christian extremist crap that only makes you look like a nutcase". Jesus really loves them, thats why until the wery end, he with his heavenly father and holy spirit, and through his children try to reach the others in different ways so they would choose the other plane, the Jesus plane. While they still can.

There are thousands of planes today, filled with people who are going to the wrong direction, to hell. Which is why we christians, are called te be the people who warn them. Like military choppers bugging the captains and inhabitans in the wrong planes,  with turn to Jesus signs. If you choose to leave the wrong plane and turn to Jesus, he is there to open a door to your wrong plane and he sents you a bridge to the right plane, and he will hold your hand until you get there so you wont fall. Just let him.

But there is a plane, that goes to heaven and eternal salvation. that is the Jesus/Yeshua plane. He is the captiain on it, and the ones sitting in that plane, do get instructions for what is expected of them. Written in the Bible. Therefore they need to read the Bible, so they can se what Jesus wants, but also so they can learn to hear the captains voice clearer. It will be a bumpy ride, the people from the wrong planes are booing and shouting ugly stuff to the ones in the right plane. And persecutions happen and will keep on happening. But Jesus is still the captain, and he is still there with his children and if they stay in his plane, in obedience to his word, they will spend eternity with him.

So, since he personally told me that he wanted me to write about a delicate and sensitive, issue, that might raise eybrows and make people think I am a crazy conservative extremist homophobe. I will do what God told me to do. And share what he wanted me to share. Once again, its not hate. Its love.

God is both loving, holy and truthfull. They go hand in hand. And what I  will share, is the next step of what God wants me to share, in the list of stuff that bothers him in our society today.

The issue is, the biblically correct( not politically correct one) that the marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman.

Jesus loves all people, and want to save all people. But to get saved, we must repent, and choose him as our Lord and savior. Leave our old ways behind us. He can help with everything, all bondages, all problems, as long as we turn to him. And we must be willing to walk in obedience to his word.

And in his word, already in the story of Adam and Eve, he showed us what his will is. And that is for the marriage be between a man and a woman.

He has never, and never will bless marriages with people who have the same gender. He has wifes to the men, and husbands to the women in most cases if not all. Because they are not living according to his word, they are not living according to his will. There are pastors and preachers out there, even in Christian churches, even politicians in political parties with christian names, who preach differently. But they are preaching lies, and sadly they are encouraging the captains to fly to the mountains and crash, or they are the captains themselves, only to not face persecution. They need to repent also. Or they will be held accountable not only for what they did themselves for selfish reasons, to avoid persecution, but also for being examples to other people and in their actions say they are on the right path, and since she/ he says its okay, and she/he is a christian/believer why would it be wrong? Its one thing to yourself be headed to hell, if you bring others with you, that is even more horrible. Please dont do that! turn to Jesus and stick to him! and always tell the truth!

I have two gay cousins, who I pray for on a daily basis. And I love them, and I know Jesus loves them. And I pray for their salvation. But they are not in God's will right now. I would never hurt them, I would die to protect them. But there is someone out there who died to save them, and his name is Jesus. And he can set people free from sexual bondages, even homosexual ones, and the ones connected to gender confusion and other accepted ways of living that confuse the minds of our young people. Dennis Jernigan is one example:


And David.


And a woman to, MJ Nixon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-AiaJkWijQ

There is an evil spirit behind homosexuality, that Jesus can deliver people from. Like the ones in the youtube clips I just shared. And it might enter a person in different ways. Often rejection from a mother or father is a door, often sexual abuse, and sometimes its when the mother plays with witchcraft during pregnancy.  And sometimes bullying in school, when you hear that you act gay and that you are gay from others, it eventually can lead to people accepting it as a truth. Sensitive boys have been bullied for years. And girls that used to be called tomboys, easilly can be called transsexual at these days. Because they are boyish. Sometimes at teenage years they turn to wrong people who have an agenda, and want more people to their community. Who say to them because you say that think that and feel that, it means you are gay!

When I was young, I made this test online, about your sexual identity. I asked different questions, and one of them was; do you think other women are beautiful? when I said yes, the result was: your straightness/heterosexuality is crumbling. Luckily, I was confident enough to just laugh at the result. I have been targeted with thoughts from the enemy, in various kinds, but I have never received them as truths. I am still straight and looking forward meeting my future husband again one day. I have met him once, 2013. But then God told me not to run after him but wait.

 And the facts still remains, publicly accepted worldy facts, and Biblical facts.

I will end with what God says in his word about these facts. What he thinks.  While I still can share it. 

Mark 10:6-9: But from the beginning of  creation, God made them male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.

Leviticus 18:22: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination.

And Jesus own words in Matthew  19:4-5: Haven't you read, he replied, that at the beginning the Creator made them male and  female, and said: For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh?

In Romans 1:25-27( and onward) you can also read what happened in the history, when moral downfall came to the world.

Real love, supports truth. And that kind of love God has given me to the gay people, love to pray for their salvation and deliverance, because God can use them strongly!

And I hope those of you who havent received Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord and Savior, will do that soon, he is what all hearts really long for, and he has a special plan just for you. He is the one who sent you to this earth in the first place. Just let him come! he is already by your side waiting. No matter what your future will bring, its better when Jesus is with you.

And those of you who already are christian/Messianic jews, please stand up for the truth! no matter what! we will be held accountable for what we did with the truth. Us too! not just the others.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless / Tanja


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