Only if you forgive others, God can forgive you



Shalom! to all of you, my precious blog followers. I hope you are all fine and healthy, and that you have been having a great week and that you will have a blessed weekend.

Of course, I also hope all of you who haven't received Jesus in your hearts as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He really has a special plan for each and every one of you, and there is nobody who loves you as much as he does. Thats why he chose to come down from heaven, and carry the sins, curses and pains of entire humanity on the cross, so yours and my soul could be forgiven. He died for us, so our relationship with God the heavenly father could be restored. God sent his only son to save us, and he really is the only way, truth and life.

You who already are born again christians/messianic jews, I hope you also have been grown in your spirit and had taken time  to seek the face of Jesus in worship and prayer, and reading his word. Only God and taking time with God, can make you grow in spirit, if you choose to practice what he has told in his word anyway.

Which leads me to todays topic, it is like I told in the last blog,  a little longer text about one of the things we cannot and should not live with if we want peace with God, and spend eternity with him, and that is unforgiveness in our hearts. When I asked God what he wanted me to blog about tonight, he told me to warn about unforgiveness. So that is tonights topic.

Unforgiveness is common, I have met my share with people who have been hurt by others, and like me in the past they have carried the pain around together with the offender, because of unforgiveness. None the less, to forgive is really important. 

Many migh think : but if you only knew what I have been through, you would never asked me to forgive him/her and nor should a loving God expect me to!

You might have grown up in a physically or/and mentally abusive home, lived in a abusive relationship, or throughtout your life been facing a lot of wicked people, false people  at work who spread rumors about you, fake friends you thought you could trust, perhaps you even have been victim of sexual abuse or never found any friends anywhere, because you are different. Or have been rejected by your biggest crush. Or done something you can't forgive yourself for, or gotten angry at God for not answering your prayers and harvested bitterness against God.

But here is the fact, as long as you harvest unforgiveness in your heart, bitterness it will be like a poison plant inside your heart, a sadist jailor who keeps you bound to the hurt caused by the offender. It can steal your night sleep, it can rob you of good friends you choose not to trust because the poison plant inside your heart with the jailor keep reminding you of what happened when you trusted a good friend/partner before, and that in the end you can't trust anyone.

It might make you jealous and controlling in your romantic relationship, because you can't really trust your  other half in your life now,  while you are bound to what another person did to you in the past. 

It blocks your relationship with Jesus, if you are saved you might not hear his voice or feel his presence at all even when you try, if you are carrying unforgiveness. Because unforgiveness is a sin, and you need to forgive who offended you if you want peace with God. If you are not christian yet, it might hinder you to even reach God, not because God doesn't want you to reach him, but because unforgiveness is like a thick wall of stone between you and God, that only you can break with forgiving the other person/persons who have hurt you and leave the judgement to God.

And that poisonus plant is an open door to evil spirits, who love destroying relationships, and using your pain and unforgiveness as weapons. The devil can smell unforgiveness like shark can smell blood and automatically he and his army of evil spirits are drawn to it. They see it as an invitation. 

It might make you jealous and controlling in your romantic relationship, because you can't really trust your  other half in your life now,  while you are bound to what another person did to you in the past. 

And if you don't forgive who offended you, even as a christian, your soul is in danger. Because if you don't forgive who hurt you, God can't forgive you, he has made it clear in his word. And there are people in eternal hell right now, who used to go to church, but lost their souls because they refused to forgive. It is dangerous! it not only steals your joy on this earth, it might steal you from eternity with Jesus, but only if you let it. So please forgive! God will hold your offenders accountable. Just leave them to him and pray they will repent, they will feel the guilt of their sin when they meet God. Just let him handle it. 

If you are angry at God, you must know he is not behind the darkness you have experienced, when he allows things to happen, they happen because of a higher reason, reason neither you or I might not understand yet. But there is one. My best friend from earth Jesus took home to heaven prematurely, because if she had lived she would have lost her soul. She wanted a bible first when she was on hear death bed. I could hate God forever for taking her away from her loved ones. But I know now it was for the best. 

Its not only because I know my Bible, I share this. I have personally experienced the heaviness of unforgiveness throug my upbringing.

I was never warned about unforgiveness as young christian, I knew Jesus was God, and that I wanted him to be my Savior and Lord already in my teens. I grew up in a christian home.

But during my upbringing, I kept facing more and more wicked people. It started already at kindergarden, when I was 5 or 6 I had this mean kindergarden teacher who hated me and accused me of stuff I didn't do, later on I found out from another ex kindergarden teacher who knew the wicked one, that it was because my dad was a pastor( she got it wrong, he is christian but he  never was pastor) she treated me that way. It was some sort of an attack on christianity, from a woman involved in leftism movement, that I already experienced before I lost my first milk teeth.

Then at school I was bullied, both from classmates, schoolmates and even some teachers.

After school when I started to work, people where mean to me at work etc. And the pile of reasons to carry unforgiveness, just grew. By the way In Arkens church which is in Kungsängen, just a couple of years back in my mid 30:ies I was delivered from the generational curse of rejection, it probably had followed me and made people want to reject me, without even knowing why. So if you feel you have been rejected wherever you go, you might be under a curse to, and Jesus can set you free from it when you turn to him.

In my late teens I felt God say clearly to me when I went to church: you need to forgive xxxxxxx

the one person who made my school years a hell. Leader of the bully wolf pack. 

And I did. Later on when I grew in spirit and faith as christian, more names came up and one by one I forgave them.

But before I forgave the offenders, I was constantly fighting depression, suicide thoughts, and to my closests friends and family members I always complained how mean people where to me in the past, and I was sort of stuck in it. They asked me: but that was 5, 7, 8 10 etc years ago, its time to move on now, cant you just move on? But I could not, because I was still connected to the pain because of unforgiveness. I was in a jail, not knowing it until later on. 

When I started to listen to more bible studies about what it really means to be obedient to God, like Derek Prince teachings, I started to realize how important forgiveness was. And a process began, I learned to practice forgiveness.

Now if someone has been mean  to me, it only takes a short while before God tells me: forgive him/her and leave it to me! and I know I have to obey, or the peace with God vanishes like a soap bubble reaching the ground and anxiety comes back, and lack of sleep.

But I lost long periods of health, joy and good sleep, and let in a spiritual world it has been taken years to get rid of when being prayed for, partly  because I was harvesting unforgiveness. I didn't know better. I do now. Thats why I chose to share this with you. It is personal. 

God can help you forgive, by reminding you how much freedom it brings, and that you deserve better than being in the dark jail of your own pain. And by sharing his love for you and what he can do even in the life of your offender if you leave the judgement to him and choose not to hate but pray, he can give you supernatural  love for people you couldnt imagine to love before it. God  with his mercy power and love can make a evil person his servant, who regret his evil ways and never will turn back. A pedophile might be turned in to a person who helps organizations to find trafficking victims, a murderder might become a priest who shares the gospel of life, a immature jerk might be transformed to a loving caring husband and father.  

Because Jesus can transform lives. And he cannot stop loving a person, because of his behavior, more than you can stop loving your child when he or she disobeys you. He loves human race more than you love your family, or even yourself. He does not love wickedness, but he loves the humans. And he is so sad for the ones who are lost forever. If you saw them, you would pity them too. You would never say go to hell to anyone. 

And all people, ordinary commoners, royalties, politicans, good samaritans as well as wicked people will regret their sins when they stand face to face with him, so they( including the ones who hurt you) don't get away for what they have done to you. You more wicked they have been, the heavier they will feel their sin when facing a holy and mighty God, Jesus Christ. And only Jesus can take it away, if they accept his gift of salvation, but the moment before is not going to be easy, the moment before they ask Jesus please forgive me when they face Jesus and feel the weight of their sins. If they don't and refuse to say they are sorry despite God trying to warn them and reach them, and speak to them through their conscienses, they will be lost. But because they said no.

Now I will end with some Bible quotes about the importance of forgiveness.

Matthew 6:14-15: For if you forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly father also will forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Ephesians 4:26-27: Be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.

Thats all for tonight, I wish you all he best. I hope you take heed to what I have written. I wish you a blessed life free from pain and the jail of unforgiveness, a life with Jesus/Yeshua the only salvation there is for our souls. You are precious and Jesus loves you!



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