Yeshua will always love Israel, and despises antisemitism



Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers, jews, gentiles, men and women, young and old.
I hope this week has been blessed with many good memories, for all of you to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. And I hope you all will have a blessed weekend too. From the bottom of my heart, I hope all of you who haven't received Yeshua /Jesus in your hearts yet, will do that soon. He loves you all so much, and has sent you to this earth because he has a special plan for you, but you can only enter that plan if you accept him as your Lord and savior, and let him guide you into it, together with him and his precious deep supernatural love you can't find any elsewhere. He has seen you being concieved, seen you in your mothers womb, seen your first smile even before you sent you to this earth. He loves us all so much. So whoever you are, let him in your hearts, if you have already, make sure you take care of your relationship with him seeking his face everyday, in prayer and Bible reading and worship and other ways, face to face, heart to heart, talking to him and listening to him, its good to keep practicing your sprititual hearing, especially at our time where false teachings have gotten big and juicy and easily bring people astrat from the right path.

I will adress one important part of a common false teaching, that is preached in countries where antisemitism and replacement theology even in christian churches, have spread like wildfire on a dry forest in Australia. I have heard it is common in arabic countries, but even in countries like Poland, Russia and Ireland. And sorry to say, even in  Greece. I write about it because I felt God want me to.

And the teachings say that God is finished with Israel, and when he says the word Israel in the Bible, he nowdays mean the gentile church that has replaced Israel. And that gentiles now are the ones God wants to bless and leave Israel out. Because the "jews killed Jesus"they are excluded from grace and salvation. That teaching is a lie. Yes, they took part in Yeshuas/Jesus death, but so did the roman soliders. Roman soldiers also whipped him, put thorn crown on his head and spat on his face. And let us not forget what Jesus/Yeshua said, that he needed to do, to save us.. yes he needed to be crucified on the cross and carry the sins of the entire humanity, jews and gentiles alike, so we can all be forgiven for our sins and enter in to a relationship with the heavenly father, throught Yeshua himself and the holy spirit he has sent us as the third part of holy trinity.

Yeshua/ Jesus said in John 10:17-18:  The reason the Father loves Me, is that I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me,  but I lay it down on my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.

And let us not all forget what is written in John 3:16 

For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that everyone who belives in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Read the Bible folks, it was God the father who sent his son to die for our sins, so we could be saved. And even when you read at the old testament, you can see it was the gentile countries who often lured Israel away to occult practices, like sacrificing of children at Baals altar, and other kinds of bad stuff like sexual immorality and Idol worship. All humans have sinned, and Yeshua/Jesus loves all humans. And wants to save everyone. He is not finished with Israel. He will return to the mount of olives, when Israel wellcome him home one day, saying Baruch Ha'ba Beschem Adonai. Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. That doesnt mean he was happy when so many jews rejected Yeshua as savior, or happy when orthodox jews persecute messianic jews in Israel at daily basis today. He punished Israel by making sure the temple was destroyed and the jews scattered to different places on the earth. Until the day he decided it was time for Israel to be born.  And that was year 1948. He also has punished gentiles, nations and individuals, when they have rejected him through the history. His is the judgement. And he still is the one who wants to save through his mercy.

And I have been a born again christian since 2003, and when I grew in spirit, I came closer and closer to Israel. Even before my father took a DNA test and fount out about our jewish roots on his side. I feel the love Yeshua has for Israel, on a daily basis. And Yeshua himself has to me said that christians who hate Israel and persecute Israel in different ways like being involved in antisemitic actions like BDS movement boycotting Israeli products and supporting a palestinian state wherefrom rockets are fired against Israel on regular basis, and doing anything that makes the jews want to run away when they hear the name Yeshua or Jesus, are bringing shame on his name, because they make him look like he is not their Messiah. We need to bless Israel, pray for Israel and spread the gospel to Israel, we who love Jesus and want to be in his favor. I have sensed this in my spirit Strongly.

I end with a important Bible verse. This is what God said to Abraham, the ancestor and forefather of the Israeli nation. 

Genesis 12:3: I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, and all the families of the earth will be blessed through you.

We must always remember, Yeshua was and still is a jew also, and he taught Torah, quoted psalms and saved many many jews before he was crucified on the cross to save our souls. All apostles but one where jews. And without Israel we would not have a Bible or a savior. And it was God's choice to do so, make sure it was so. Now it is important that we love eachother, and do what we can so people will know how much Yeshua loves them, even his precious Israel who God has said is the apple of his eye. Yeshua is the savior of both jews and gentiles, but Israel will always have a special place in his heart. 

With that I wish you a blessed weekend in Yeshuas Shalom/Tanja


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