It's important to never stop praying- Personal testimony





 Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope you ar all allright, healthy and happy, physically and spiritually. The summer is almost here, and I look forward seeing more flowers grow and bloom in the forests, which I personally see as God's fingerprints on earth. How can anyone look at a sunset and visit a forest with all of its beauty and not see that there is a creator behind it? it just doesn't make any sense. Not for me anyway. I cannot imagine how scary it must be to believe this world is all there is and then you simply stop exist. And I am happy Yeshua reached out to me, so I in different ways realizes that he does exists, and he does really see me and love me. Thank you Yeshua! and I hope and pray all of you who read this, who havent accepted Yeshua as their Lord and Savior, will turn to him someday soon so he can transform your lives, and let you swim in his unconditional supernatural love, its deeper and more powerful than any other love you can ever encounter. This blog post, is mostly to those who have started to pray, have prayed for a long time or plan to start praying in Yeshuas name, because I felt God tell me to write about this issue, and testify a little bit about how much prayer has affected my life.  I mean the Yeshua/Jesus who died for our sins on the cross, the only way truth and life, the true Messiah. The one written about in New testament bible and in the Torah( five books of Moses) and who is quoted in the Psalms.

I am an evangelical christian,  and a protestant personally, that means I believe in the baptism of the holy spirit, speaking in tongues, and that God speaks and wants to speak to us personally and he still performs miracles and share prophetic words through his people and directly to us. And I also believe holy spirit has given us many gifts, still equally much used today as at the time of apostles in the Bible. That is biblical, and I have seen them in work and experienced them personally, and I thank Yeshua for that, and I pray you all will experience the power of the holy spirit the same way one day, if you havent already.

Now to todays topic, persistant prayer. We live in a unpatient quick  fix world, where people often like immature children, wants things here and now, and waiting for something, seems extremely "boring" and "hard". We want what we want, here and now.

But in spiritual world, it doesn't always work that way. For some people, under demonic influence, you have to pray for a longer time, for them to come to Yeshua. Their minds might be captives to pride, fears, lies, unforgiveness, atheism, hinduism, buddhism, religion, hatred, different addictions, stress, antisemitism etc. Their minds are held captive by evil spirits, whos lord is Satan and who will do EVERYTHING he can, so you wont repent from your sins and turn to Yeshua so you can be forgiven and cleansed and start a new life with him. Because when you become a child of Yeshua, then you become an enemy and threat to Satan, who wants to kill and destroy and make sure as many as possible burn in hell with him at return of Yeshua, when Satan is casted to the lake of fire.

That is one reason it might take us prayer warriors years, to pray against the demonic forces that bind the minds, spirits and or souls of different people we want to see saved and delivered from evil spirits. Not always years, but sometimes  that is the case. 

But prayer works!!!  My grandmother, who died 2017, used to pray for her entire family, including her children and grandchildren, I am the second one of her 14 grandchildren, that Lord allowed to survive outside of the womb. She does have 7 grandchildren( at least, there might be a nr 8) with her in heaven, who for different reasons never got to see the light of day, or only did it for a short period of time. Several of her grandchildren have a personal faith in Yeshua, and all of her children have a prayer life. And I believe her prayers activated our angels when we where in dangerous situations, I have been in several during the years and so have my siblings. My little sister was in France when the terror attack happened a couple of years ago, I have walked home after 10 pm without assistance of friends after having movie nights with friends and busses have stop driving etc.

And my mother and father have prayed for us for years, all of us their kids and I am sure other people too. My brother have been having different kinds of problems( not going on details but we live in a drug mecca suburb, with many poor people with different problems ) and many times we have almost given up, but then God has encourages us to continue to pray, and watch him work.

Now three out of my parents four children, have received Yeshua in their hearts as Lord and savior. My little brother and little sister, received Yeshua in their hearts 2018, about three years ago. And they have both grown in spirit, and from time to time they share how God has used them with friends and collagues, reaching them with the gospel, and it makes me so happy.

The fourth one has faith, but she hasn't as far as I know given her life to Yeshua totally yet, in a full surrender way. But I am sure she will in the future. I will keep on praying. And believing and trusting!! 

I also have been hearing a lot of testimonies of people, who after praying for someone for years, finally heard that they met Yeshua and got saved.

One man I remember, whos name was Christer Knutzsson. He once was christian, but went astray and his christian brother started to pray for him. And after over 30 years, Christer came back to Yeshua, when a eldery couple from my ex church prayed for him when he was dying of cancer, and he got healed. I saw his skintone change in church, Israel prayer night, where it happened. After he got healed from cancer, he received Yeshua in his heart and became a holy sprit filled evangelist who prayed for many people, prophecied and shared the gospel in different places.  He served God in amazing ways,  for a couple of years, before the Lord took him home.

So don't give up! those of you who have faith in Yeshua, don't give up your prayers! but be sure you live in the total will of Yeshua. That you have forgiven others, including yourself, for what they or you have done that have hurt you or others, and that he really is your Lord not just savior, then you will see how he uses your prayers to move the spiritual mountains.

There are those of you, who also carry unforgiveness to God, and  you need to forgive him too, when he had said no, and you have prayed for something or someone. You might not understand Gods will totally on earth, but he really loves you and always has a reason for everything.

Sometimes God says no, sometimes yes. Sometimes we pray according to his will, sometimes not. But he always hears us, and uses our prayers, even if a person we prayed for dies, like the two close friends of my brother, prematurely, God still has used our prayers to reach that person so he even if its in the last mintue, says yes.

But since God put this in my heart tonight to write about it, he wants to encourage someone or more just one someone, to not give up. Trust him! dont let circumstances lie to you and says you see God didn't hear you.

I have prayed for my future husband and our future kids, God has promised me, for years too, and I promise I will testify about it when prayer answer comes.

I now will end this blog with Bible verses. Like I usually do.

Jesus said in Luke 11:9-10 : So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

Its also written in 1th Thessalonians 5:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.

In Luke 18:1-8 Jesus also has told the parabel about the persistent widow. That I leave to you to find out in your own bibles, or if you feel lazy or dont own a bible yet, you can google it. While its still there. 

Either way I hope this blog has encouraged you. My friend by the way,who died of cancer, also received Yeshua in her heart in the last minute, and I had prayed for her since we where 16. She died at age 34, in cancer, 2018. I prayed for her for over 10 years. So even when God chooses to take someone home, he still hears us and powerfully uses our prays so people we pray for can meet us at heavens gate when our timeis near.

My father is alive because of the prayers of other christian brethren, he has survied several strokes, even heart problems and other medical problems connected to his diabetes. Yeshua really is a powerful God. My cousin now 29, was near death too as a child, and Yeshua used our prayers and now she is healthy and saved, she received Yeshua in her heart the same day my brother and younger sister. 

That is all for me, I wish you a blessed week in God's grace.

Blessings/ Tanja



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