Do we really want people to totally harden their hearts?




Shalom! to all of my precious blog followers. I hope you are doing fine, this week, and I hope you will have a blessed weekend. I really wish you all the best, why I hope we will someday spend eternity together. If that is what you also wish, you must turn to Jesus/Yeshua and accept him as Lord and savior, so you can enter to the royal family of the creator of the universe. If you already have made that choice, I am happy you have, and I hope you will keep on seeking God's face and grow in spirit, and that you are willing to carry the cross and leave this world no matter what happens, he will never abandon you. You can only be in his will, if you are willing to obey him and live according to his will for your life, and it is also written in the Bible, so make sure you read it. 

This week I have felt God wanted me to speak up against the moral downfall, that is happening in the world,  not at least majority atheist Sweden, where in practice there is no such thing as freedom to follow your conscience. If you want to look deper into it, look what happened to my precious sisters in Christ Yeshua, Linda Steen and Ellinore Grimmark. Who lost their jobs only because they wanted to bring children in to the world, instead of taking their lives before they even got a chance to show why God sent them.

We Christians are called to be the salt of the earth, and one of the purposes of the salt even in our world is to hold back the decomposition of food, so it can be preserved longer.

The salt of the earth in practice, means we need to speak up against things that are bad, and warn people what will happen if they don't repent, as an act of love. A society where horrible stuff are allowed and any kind of protests against it are either ignored or with social press tried to get silenced, is a society that I don't wish for anyone. Especially for future generations.

To kill a human being, is horrible. It takes a life from a human being, that is missed. Every girl and every boy killed in their mothers wombs, could have been the solutions to problems we will face 20-30 years later. God knows what he is doing, childre are all sent to this earth with a purpose. If the child is sick, the mother can go to a church and ask people to pray for her and her baby. There is still hope, even in sad situations where the child is handicapped or sick. Or the woman.

In china and India, millions of men are now single, because the girls have been aborted in such large numbers.

In Sweden, there are huge numbers of people missing that we would have needed in our society today, why some politicians have decided to have so much migration allowed. Wifes, husbands, fathers, mothers, sisters, cousins, best friends, teachers, prayer warriors, priests and pastors.. and health care workers, police officers even great politicians better than many of who we have now, could have made Sweden better if they would have been allowed to live. I know all of you have at least few people in your lives, you love very much, can you imagine how empty it would have been if she or he had been aborted? All the memories you would have missed? think about it.

And what I also want you to think about a little extra, is what kind of world we would have, or might even have, if all people are pressured or persuaded to harden their hearts by going against their God given conscience. Conscience, is a gift. A gift from God that exists in all human beings. It is the moral compass, a reminder of who you came from. A holy God who loves you and wants to save you, and who dissaproves of some stuff you are saying and doing.

Do you even know how a person with no conscience is like? When I think about a person with hardened hearts, after ignoring their consciences and keeping doing evil stuff that went against their conscience, I think about a scene in the Hulk serie from 1980-1990, in the last Hulk movie with Bill Bixby. The death of the incredible Hulk. Yes it might be a funny movie choice, but it was wery interesting and it educated me a little of how a hardened heart can look like.

In that movie, there is a mob woman, who has a sister, and for some reason she decides to not want her sister to live anymore. The younger sister of the mob woman, loves her older sister and wants to do everything she can to help her, but the mob woman is like a cold robot. She had this stone cold face, and creepy eyes with no emotions. Without any remorse or emotions at all, she gives order to her men  to kill her younger sister, I don't remember clearly why, but later on the younger sister is saved by David Banner/ The Hulk. 

And we all have seen the wicked crooks in movies, who laugh when they get the chance to rape and or torture other people, and kill children and other innocents without any remorse at all. No compassion. Like ISIS soldiers. That is how a hardened heart looks like when it is exposed in the light. The person might be an good actor, and say the right things to look nice and get peoples support, but underneath that charm there is a heart that no longer can tell right from wrong. And behind the scenes, where the cameras wont roll, some wicked things happen, like among high ranked freemasons.

A person with a black heart, will simply not have the ability to feel any remorse, and there is nothing he or she cannot do to reach his or her goal. There simply are no emotions, no real warmth, no real compassion there. And those kind of people, can no longer be saved. They can no longer turn to Jesus because they simply have ignored his voice long enough. God never forces us to believe in him or even to obey him, but he is patient and tries for several years to reach us, even with the help of our conscience. When a heart is black, and the conscience is hardened, you simply have lost your soul forever.

And it was your choice. That is why this kind of behavior, not only to say its okay to kill unborn children, the most innocent and defenceless of them all, but to force others to also kill them against their own convictions and conscience, is spiritually dangerous.  For the ones who refuses to repent and keeps on murdering and/ or supporting murder, and for the ones who are pressured to do what they feel is wrong. Forcing others to do wicked stuff, endangers not only your soul but their souls too.

We need to stop this madness! this cruelty!!  and turn back to Jesus/Yeshua and his will while we still can. Even when God's judgements come on this earth, there is still time for many to repent. The hope is not lost, unless you throw away the chances God gives you to repent and turn to him and cross the line from a heart that still can be saved, and a heart that is hardened and beyond salvation.

Yeshua/Jesus can save all souls who reach out to him, heal all wounds even from women who have suffered after abortions, and deliver from all spiritual bondages. But it must always begin with repentence. Sin must be confessed in front of Yeshua, verbally, and rejected, and he must be accepted as Lord and Savior. There is no other way.

I end with some Bible quotes. 

Romans 2:5-8:  But because of your stubborness and your unrepentant heart,  you are storing up wrath against yourself, for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgement will be revealed. God will repay each person according to what they have done. 

To those who by persistence in doing good, seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. But for those who are self seeking and whoever reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.

In Romans 2:14-16:  it is written:( Indeed , when Gentiles(non jews) who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves , even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirement of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.This will take place on the day when God judges people's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.

This is  a reminder of the fact, that God has given us all a conscience, even the ones who have not learned anything about the word of God, like the law of Moses with the ten commandments, perhaps they grew up in other kind of families with different belief systems, either way they just like the rest uf us have been given a conscience.

But there is still hope. You just need to give Yeshua your hand and your heart. He died for you so you could be saved and live forever with him surrounded by his glory and his love in eternal peace.

This is also written in the Bible. John 3:16:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Let us never forget that!! this was all from me, take care, God bless & Shalom/ Tanja


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