Its never "just a whore" but a precious soul

                                       WE MUST TAKE A STAND AGAINST SEX TRAFFICKING

Shalom!  to all of you, my precious blog followers.  I hope you have had a nice midsummer with family and friends, and that your weekend will be blessed also. It has been rainy today in Stockholm, but with some mix of sunshine too. I have been reading two books for a long period of time now, one is about a young girl from Russia who was lured into sex trafficking at late teens, called Sold.  I can't find an english version of it. But if you want to know why there is such a thing as hell, and you don't suffer from heart problems, high blood pressure or anything else that can cause you health trouble if you read about the darkness in  this world, then do read this book, I have borrowed it. You can buy it from here:

I don't believe all men who have bought sex are automatically doomed to eternal hell, nor all who tricked people in it or made it sound like a great idea so they started to do it. All people can be saved and forgiven from their sins, as long as they have not hardened their hearts so they no longer can feel any guilt for what they have done. And the victims of trafficking, who of course are not to blame for their situation because they are innocent in that part, many times also need to repent from unforgiveness, turn to Jesus/Yeshua so they can be saved and have their hearts healed, and leave the judgement to God. God is holy, and if a person keeps on doing evil without repenting, then he will judge the evil people and send them to eternal hell, not because he wants them to go there, but because they refused to repent and turn to him. Jesus is the only way, truth and the life. His hebrew name is Yeshua, and it means salvation. God is so holy, a person who has hardened their hearts with evil and stopped listening to their consciences, they will suffer when their sin is faced with God and his holiness, the contrast between evil and good will be so strong. And to be forcing them to go to heaven, would be just changing their eternal place of torment.

A person who hardens his or her heart, becomes so evil he or she no longer feel any guilt for anything. They could kill an entire village with millions of children, without feeling any guilt and finding ways to justify it. Even when facing God. That is I am afraid, what people who practice abortions are doing, not just killing villages, but the abortions rise to millions of children every year so its more than just one village. And that is a serious sin. Killing an defenceless child in the womb is equally bad in front of God as killing any child you happen to see playing in a playing ground. And sex trafficking victims, are often forced to kill their unborn children too. Either way,  I will write more about trafficking victims tonight. They are precious too.

All kinds of abuse, even trafficking  not sex related, but related to slaving people and forcing them to work for minimum pay or even for free, is against God's will, because he loves all people so much. I am strongly against all trafficking, but God has put specifically trafficking victims in my heart recently, to pray for and think about and read about. The horrors these poor people go through, simply goes so deep. Imagine not being able to decide or have anything to say, who uses your body, of for what purposes.  Imagine sex being deprived from its original purpose, a beautiful union between a married couple, when both enjoy their bodies together, and turned in to horror, pain, shameful, discusting and hatred towards the opposite gender. More than once I have read about trafficked women who have found ways to escape, how they can't imagine to ever even want sex again. Women have started to hate men who abused them. Sex no longer is beautiful. After thousands of men raping them vaginally and anally, so they bleed and get infections and suffer severly when they go to the loo. Imagine the nightmares these people have, even the men used in those circumstances. And the innocent children!  Even when they have met Jesus/Yeshua( which I pray daily they will) he will need a longer period of time to restore what has been destroyed. Only because of the greed and selfishness of evil people who think they have a right to force others to sell sex, or buy sex from them.

It is so clear to me, and should be clear to all people with any love and compassion in their hearts, that there are no excuses for sex trafficking. To buy a persons body is never okay. It is a selfish evil act, the same to support porn sites where often trafficked women have been forced to be in, without their consent. Porn industry has a big guilt stone in their hands, for what is happening in the world. Coco Berthmann has spoken about it. You can hear more about it on these youtube links.

Sex trafficked women, men and children not only are in risk of getting fatal diseases themselves, like HIV, AIDS, Syphilis etc. They also risk spreading it to whoever sex contacts their buyers have or might have in the future. And it really destroys the beauty of the sex, the beauty of love between a man and a woman, as  God intended it. A union of love. And it turns to a union of filth, pain, humiliation and perversion. Where the victims can be raped by hundreds if not thousands of men, not just raped, also beaten, peed on, kicked on and spat at. They really are being treated worse than animals. If you don't believe me, watch Lilja Forever by Lukas Moodysson, or read the book I just shared. They also face abuse and death treaths, and being called horrible names as rats and pigs, and they are starved! the ones who obey their pimps the best, get special treatment, and the ones who don't give them enough money or try to escape or anyway show resistance for their treatment, they get to be without food for days. 

Some people look at themselves as more important than others. And specific people are seen as more important than others. And prostitutes are called "just whores". Politicians, Kings and spiritual leaders, are seen as more important people and prostitutes as the lowest of the low, with no importance or value at all.

But that is not the way God sees it. 

It is written already in Genesis 1:27:

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.

It is clear that God created Adam and Eve an the mankind that followed them, in his own image.

How can anyone say that someone created in his image, is just a worthless whore? a rat? a pig?

That is more a sign of the wickedness of their hearts who call them that, and signs of them directly or indirectly choosing to be the children of Satan. Satan hates women, one reason is because Jesus/Yeshuas mother Miriam/Mary was a jewess. And they seem to often be more spiritually sensitive. I once saw a Pakistani church in a christian newspaper, where 80% of the members where women. It is obvious to them, as much as it is to me, that Jesus/Yeshua loves women. And for me it is hard to find any religion where women are respected as much as they are in Christianity. In India where majority are hindus, girls are killed for being girls, and in many Islamic countries so many girls are forced to marry as children, go through FGM ( female gential mutilation) and are being hit, lashed because of sharia laws even after being raped, and honour killed daily. Even sold on markets. Like goats.

But no matter what, it is the creater and savior of our souls that loves us the most, and his name is Yeshua. Greek name is what many gentiles know as Jesus. Men as well as women. He is the only way, truth and the life. And has a unique plan for all of us. Why it is important we leave this dark world, and accept him in our hearts as Lord and Savior, that is the only hope we have. The only salvation there is. Which is why I hope you will all who havent already, do what I did at age 19, and join the Kingdom of God. Jesus is already waiting for you. He loves you and he misses you.

The people who carry crosses around their necks, and in their private lives act in wicked ways, are not real Christians. They bring shame on Jesus name, just like the antisemites who hate jews for "killing Jesus". That I have felt God say to me.

If you are in any ways or have been involved in buying sex slaves, please repent! help the women/men/children out from there instead of being just one in the line for hurting them, give them food, help them, show them mercy. Stop abusing them and turn to Jesus/Yeshua while you still can. You can never enter the kingdom of God, unless you are willing to repent.

You don't want to meet Jesus/Yeshua as a judge one day, hearing depart from me! and knowing you are lost. The same with all other people, regardless of what choices you have made an sins you have done. If you carry unforgiveness, repent and forgive and leave the judgement to God, otherwise you will be bound to the pain and horror your offenders caused you and it will steal the joy you would have had in your future. Eitherway we all need Jesus/Yeshua, and he wants us to come to him so he can save us. Let us not close our ears when he calls us.

Let us stand against the darkness of this world. And joining Jesus the light. And stand up for what is good.

Jesus once faced a prostitute, that the farisees and other spiritual leaders wanted to be killed by stoning. But Jesus showed her mercy, and refused to stone her. Because he saw how precious she was, and that it was mercy and love what she needed. Later on she became one of his followers.

In John 8:7-11, it is written:

When they( the accusers who wanted the woman to be stoned for adultery) kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them: "Let any of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her". Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this , those who heard begane to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her: Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?

No one sir, she said.

Then neither do I condemn you, Jesus declared. " Go now and leave your life of sin".

In her case, she had the opportunity to leave the life of sin. The interesting thing is, that Jesus was the only one who had not sinned, ever. And he refused to stone her. As the only suitable judge, he chose to show her mercy.

But often it is not the case these days,  those people are slaves, slaves to their pimps, and are even bought by EU politicians and other men in high positions, if you don't believe me then watch the based on a true story movie the whistleblower.  You can see the trailer here. But once again, it is not for the sensitive people who have medical conditions that can get worse if watching upsetting stuff.

What we can do now, more than joining team Jesus/Yeshua so he can use us to help whoever he wants when he wants, is pray for the victims, support organizations that help them to freedom like Love and Hope,  Covenant rescue group, dreamcenter in LA etc.

Here is one list. All you need to do is google.

You can also choose to report to the police, if you suspect human trafficking is happening in your neighbourhood or anywhere near you. Or simply join a secret agent anti trafficking group where they pretend to be customers, only so they can help the victims of trafficking to freedom.

But whatever you do, do it in the name of Jesus/Yeshua and under his  bloods protection. It is a nasty bussiness and the men involved in it are wicked and have both abused, threathened and killed helpers who have tried to help the victims. Make sure you have backup! with Jesus you can have spiritual protection and supernatural physical protection too.

And remember, the prostitutes you see in the streets, are equally precious in Gods eyes as you. Its never "just a whore", but a precious soul that Jesus/Yeshua loves. And she could be the one seated in God's side in future judging you, if you are involved in this kind of bussiness and you don't repent.

Thats for me tonight.

Take care & God bless/ Tanja


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