We are heading towards the mark of the beast- Part 2


                          BE SURE YOU WON'T BE DECEIVED TO TAKE THE MARK                    

 Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with lovely memories, and that your weekend will bring you many blessings and joys to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. And I hope that you who haven't yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He is the only hope, the only way, the only truth and the only salvation there is, for this world and for our eternity. And he has a special plan for each and any one of us.

Those of you who like me already have decided to follow Yeshua/Jesus, I hope you will be ready for what is going to come, the future persecutions, the price we will have to pay when we have chosen the right way, because the arrival of Yeshua /Jesus is coming closer, and the devil is getting more and  more angry and desperate to deceive souls away from Yeshua so they will spend eternity with him. There is a war going on, and its all about our eternal souls. Devil wants you to burn in hell with him, Yeshua/Jesus wants to save you. All humans of the entire earth, will one way or another choose one of them. There are no other doors, doors to eternal life and joy with Yeshua or the door to eternal hell with the devil, nothing there between.

And the devil will in the last days, which are coming closer and closer everyday, use a special man as his servant, together with a new world order and other men and women involved in it. To deceive souls away from Yeshua. He is the Antichrist. 

Since I felt God want me to write about this issue, a second time in less than four months, I will simply do it. Someone who reads this will need to see it.

He just now told me to share one of my prophetic dreams. Okay, here it comes.

For a couple of years ago, I had a extremely dramatic dream about the end times.

I dreamt I was in some kind of a subway looking place, with very little light, it was late at night and I was walking on a line with many many other people, there where guards there, dressed in black, in sort of like a SWAT team clothing. One of them held something small in his left hand, which made a clicking sound when a person passed him, I think it was some sort of a counting device, which kept a count on people who passed him. First at the end of the walk, I saw where we where headed. And it was to a big guillotine, that was hidden behind a black curtain.

There was this young african american woman, sister in Yeshua, who panicked when she saw the guillotine and said to me: I can't do this!

I responded: Yes you can! think about your reward! I was trying to encurage her to not give up her faith, despite the fact that she was about to die as a martyr because of it.  I found the dream a bit scary, and when it was my turn the dream ended.

The Lord himself let me see, what some of the people will face, who will not take the mark of the beast, that means the chip connected to the new world order, a government lead by a world leader ( antichrist) and the ones who choose to join him in his religious mix, spiritually filthy, global rule.

But what I did say, in the dream, also was prophetic. If you are willing to give your life to Yeshua/Jesus, the only way truth and life, who gave his life to save your soul, you will be eternally rewarded. But if you chicken out in  the end, and choose to keep your life a little longer, and take the mark of the beast to save your earthly life, then you will burn forever in hell.

That is also in the Bible.

Revelation 6:9-11: When he( Yeshua/Jesus) opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in loud voice," How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood? Then each of them was given a white robe, and they where told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, where killed just as they had been."

It looks like there is a specific number of saints, that will die as martyrs, before God unleashes the last judgements on earth.

Therefore it is very important, that we will never love anyone more than Jesus/Yeshua. The dark side will come with every temptation there can ever be, in the book of temptaions written by Satan, to make sure you take the mark of the beast and spend eternity in hell. Because Satan hates you. And you where created to the image of God, and have a chance to live in peace with Yeshua for ever, something the fallen angels never will be able to after turning their backs against God and choosing Satan who also is a fallen angel, as their Lord.

He will use money, wealth, longer life, applaudes of this world, celebrity of this world, drugs, delicious food, amazing houses, including sex, as much sex as possible with whoever you want with no judgements or limitations, supernatural miracles and signs, power positions, you name it. He will also use our loves to ourselves and our familys/friends/spouses as weapons and means to make sure we will reject Yeshua/Jesus and take the mark. I can imagine him saying to mothers and fathers: are you sure you don't want to take the mark? don't you think your children/grandchildren need you? all you have to do is to renounce the name of Yeshua/Jesus, he doesnt care about you anyway or else you wouldnt be here, if you take the mark you can return to your family again.

And Antichrist with his crew, are Satans puppets, his hands and feet, his voice to trap you to eternal hell with him.

Therefore we must be careful, so that what is in this world, will never matter as much as Yeshua.

What The antichrist, and Satan behind him, will NEVER tell you, when facing the mark of the beast,(which by the way will most certainly have another more appropiate and more deceiving name in public, like " global alliance sign" "nature friendly ecological currency" or something like that.)

What you will not be reminded of, is the fact that when you take the mark, your soul is eternally lost. You will sign your loyalty to Satan and who is only using his puppet the antichrist to make sure you will loose your soul. Yes you might have bought yourself time. But whoever your family is, they will know that you chose them befor Yeshua/Jesus, and if they choose Yeshua/Jesus in the future instead of the mark, you will be separated from them forever. Only so you can buy yourself a little more time on earth. Is it really worth it?

I know it is hard to think about, and that is the reason many pastors hardly read about loudly or preach about the book of revelation, but the fact is, we cannot escape the trials of fire, when we choose Yeshua/ Jesus. Its worth it, eternally with him in peace and beauty, rewarded richly, to choose Yeshua/Jesus! absolutely! but here on earth it will mean persecution. Even for us in Europe and United States. I also don't believe the antichrist will come first after the rapture, it for me sounds unbiblical because Jesus/Yeshua has said we will be hated for his names sake. 

Its not without reason Yeshua/Jesus said in Matthew 10:37-38:

Anyone who loves their father or mother, more than Me is not worthy of Me, anyone who loves their son or daughter more than Me, is  not worthy of Me", and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me, are not worthy of Me.

But let us not forget what Jesus/Yeshua also said in Matthew 5:11-12:

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you, because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who where before you.

So seek the face of Yeshua/Jesus, spend time with him! And make sure you read your Bible! on a daily basis! then you will grow in spirit and faith, and can be given the strenght you need to not give up, once you swim spiritually in his supernatural love, the natural response is to love him back. You will know, that everything good you ever have or will have, is because he sent it. And he never meant what he sent to become idols that replace him. To him belongs all glory, power and honour forever. He is the only one worth to be worshipped.  Nobody will ever love you more than him! he carried the sins and pains of entire humanity, because his , his fathers and holy spirits love for you. Don't forget that.

Thats all I have to say tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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