Pride does come before fall- to be saved you need to humble yourself



Shalom! to all of you, who happen  to be curious about my blog this friday evening. I just came home from a wonderful meeting in a church in Solna, where the holy ghost was present and filled us with joy and peace in Yeshuas name, together with the pastor and prophet, well known in Sweden, Birger Skoglund. That man is so filled with the joy of the lord, it spreads quickly and puts a smile on everyones faces.

I hope all of you who are reading this, are happy and healthy. And that you will some day join the kingdom and family of Yeshua, the only way truth and the life, if you haven't already. He sent you in this world, and has a special plan just for you, and of course your loved ones too. Only by accepting him as Lord and savior, can yu ever enter his will. Yes there will be persecution, but he can help you guide you and bless you no matter where you go and what happens, he will never abandon you. If you already have accepted him as Lord and savior, I hope you will keep on growing in faith, while you walk with Yeshua, growing closer to him by seeking his face and reading his word. I wish you all the best, no matter who you are. Yeshua loves you! and you are precious in his eyes! I use the hebrew version of his name, if you don't know who I mean, then Jesus Christ is the one I am speaking about, his name in Hebrew is Yeshua and it means salvation.

I felt God tell me, to write about the dangers of pride tonight. It is obviosly something very common, that needs to get rid off everywhere, even among christians/messianic jews, or else I would not have been told to take it up as a subject, I think at least for the second time. Someoene really needs to see this.

Pride is not only the name of the parade, where HBTQ people dance and show off, far too often with far too little clothes on, dancing in sexual ways and sharing their joy of their lifestyle expecting everyone to cheer and give them all the attention they seem to crave for. Sometimes I think they look like little children, who do anything to get noticed. Either way, they are not in God's will, despite how much he loves them, why I will keep them in my prayers. God has given me love for them, that is for sure. Many have been sexually abused, neglected by one or both parents, or suffered other kinds of physical or emotional abuse as children. God wants to heal them, but they need to come to him first, and be willing to repent, turn away from their old ways, just like other unsaved people. Through Yeshua. 

Pride is also an evil spirit and a wicked attitude. That hinders people to come to Yeshua as savior and Lord, it hinders people to forgive the ones who hurt them, and it hinders people to repent from bad behaviour that hurts other people. 

If you listen to pride, you will never apologize for anything. No matter what you do, and how much people scold you for it, even if you are being put to prison, pride makes you find excuses for what you have done. If you are a bank robber, pride tells you, that you had the right to rob the bank, because you have so little money and need to pay the bills. Therefore you don't need to apologize or stop robbing banks. You blame the society, not yourself.

If you work in healthcare, and perform abortions, pride tells you that you are doing nothing wrong, and it is right according to the law, to do what you do, that means what the women want you to do, since they don't want to become mothers. You are the healthcare worker, they are the patients, they want you to perform abortions, and you just do your job. 

If you work as a corrupt politician, pride tells you that its okay to lie, without regrets, because it serves the greater good, if people knew the truth, they wouldnt vote for you. And its also okay to silence people who don't support you or your political goal, if you don't, they might turn the others against you. Even if you need to put them to prison or kill them, if threats and gossip through political coloured social media channels don't work. 

If you are a cheating husband/wife, pride tells you its okay, since your mistress/lover gives you what your husband/wife doesn't, and therefore the fault is not yours.

If you refuse to forgive an ex who badly hurt you, or a fellow christian in church who has gossiped about you and spread lies about you, pride tells you : That person is so evil, she/he doesn't deserve to be forgiven. Its okay to not to forgive, God has absolutely seen what she and/or he has done and couldn't possibly expect you to forgive. It makes forgiveness look like the bad guy, like it was accepting the bad things you have suffered, like it was okay. But in the end forgiveness is the good guy, and it breaks the bond between you, the offender and the hurt the offender caused you, so it no longer can scare you with nightmares or torment you with memories of the past together with the evil spirit world that pride has opened the doors too. And it leaves the judgement to God. God will take care of it.

Pride can say to you, that you don't need God. You can take care of yourself, and be your own God, and live a happy life. And that God is a fairytale like the easter bunny, people should grow up and stop believing in fairy tales. Those christians, they are just wackos that should be put to mental hospitals. 

And pride, it can keep you trapped in a lie, like a proud muslim/buddhist/hindu/ asa faith /scientology church member/mormon/jehovas witness . It makes you think that you don't need Yeshua. You already have chosen whats best for you. Why would you want to change? life is perfect as it is.

Pride can also be used as a weapon to your god given conscience, when you conscience screams to you that you hade done something bad, pride tells you not to listen. And if you keep on listening to pride and silencing your conscience, that can harden your heart so you no longer can be saved. If you don't repent.

And it can keep you in a sinful lifestyle, saying you are doing nothing wrong, when you have sex out of wedlock or marry and/or have sex with a person with same gender. Which is against the will of God. God wants women to marry men, and sex to be within wedlock, so he can protect the couple and the future generations, from the negative consequences of the sin. Like unclean spiritual world.  And so he can bless the couple, who live in obedience to his word. It is love that motivates God's will, always, he wants what is best for us. Its in Genesis 2:24. Hebrews 13:4 1th Corinthians 6:18

Also remember that Yeshua can help you, if you want to repent, and there are some obstacles in the way. Just turn to him. 

Pride is something we all need to watch out for. And not give in to. Some need to repent from it and apologize to Yeshua, for allowing it to bring you to the wrong way.

I share now some bible quotes about the dangers of pride:

James 4:6: But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Proverbs 11:2:

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Romans 12:16: Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.

1th Corinthians 13:4: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

What God wants, is for us to humble ourselves. Be willing to leave our old ways behind us, and simply change the Lordship over your lives, from you being the boss, to Yeshua being the boss. Not only the boss, the savior, healer, guide, helper and deliverer. The brother, the friend, your source of comfort , wisdom and strenght this world can never give you. Without him, there is no salvation.

I also will share some bible quotes about humbling yourself.

Ephesians 4:2:  Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.

James 4:10:  Humble yourself before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

2: Chronicles 7:14: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.

Luke 14:11: For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled , and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Thats all for me tonight, I wish you a blessed weekend.  Remember that Yeshua loves you!

Shalom/ Tanja 


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