Heaven is for real, but so is hell


                     YOU CAN EITHER SPEND ETERNITY WITH JESUS OR WITH SATAN               

Shalom! to all of my  beloved blog followers, I hope you are all in fine health, whoever you are, I pray for you. So 100 years from now, even 1000 years from now and all eternity after, we can spend eternity together with Jesus/Yeshua our Lord and Savior. You are a precious soul, and Jesus/Yeshua payed a big price for you, while nailed to the cross, so you don't have to live eternally without him, separated not only from his love, his peace, his glory and all his blessings you can imagine, but also from everything most of us humans all enjoy already, that he has made sure we have.

 In hell you can never taste a glass of water again, or feel the hug of a loved one, or breath in fresh air or see a beautiful forest or eat delicious food. They are all blessings, from God, we should all be greatful for, and give glory to God for. We are created into the image of God, we are meant to be in a relationship with God, and the only way we can do it, is by turning to the only salvation we have, the only way, truth and the life, and his name is Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Hamaschiach. All hearts long for him, no matter they realize it or not, or want to think about it. You can never  find that unconditional deep supernatural love from another human being, that many people jump in to different human relationships to seek, only to be dissapointed. No, there is a room in your heart, that only Jesus/Yeshua can fill, then you will know why everyone else didn't fit there, nor anything else, like money or anything money can buy, or fame. 

Tonight I will keep my blog short, I strongly felt God want me to write about the realities of hell. We all shiver when we think about it. I shiver when I think about it. I know there are people already loosing their souls, not because Jesus wanted them to go lost, but because they hardened their hearts and said no whenever he tried to reach them. A hardened heart, from an unrepented sinner, would never feel joy in heaven, filled with God's holiness and billions of people worshipping him. If you can't even be in a church and listen 30 people sing about the love of Jesus, imagine being eternally in heaven where billions of people are doing so. Gods holiness is powerful, and for us who have been cleansed from our sins, it is the most beautiful and amazing presence we can imagine, but if you have hardened you heart and said no( and refuse to accept him until its too late) then its painful to encounter Gods holiness.

Now, I do believe people can get another chance even after death, because only God can see our hearts and why people chose to reject him, and he uses his childrens prayers( including mine) and hears them long before we pray them. But if the heart is hardened, perhaps the person has lived in unforgiveness, sexual immorality, hatred, murder or lies and because of pride refused to apologize to God or even try to reach Gods hand when he has tried to reach out to him/her, then that person is already dead inside and beyond salvation. Luckily, only God can see our hearts. And he is merciful. He saves as many people as he possibly can, because he loves us so much. 

I don't really want to think about hell, and I didn't plan to write about it either, I try and will keep on trying my best allow God to use me, so that as many as possible in my life and wherever God places me, will come to Jesus/Yeshua and be saved instead.

But recently, I hade a spiritual experience, while still asleep, where Jesus brought me to one level of hell in a dream. Jesus said: you need to know this.

And I felt people cry for help, and the agony in their voices, even thought he spared me from seeing who they where, I was in some sort of orange mist and heard people cry and felt their sadness.

I heard a man turn to me and said can you please help me.. and I said: I can't! I heard a woman say to me: don't come here Tanja! in finnish language, I still don't know who that is, will be or might be, because some dreams are prophetic about people I need to pray for so they don't go to hell, and some are about a situation that is current, and that I can't change.

God also told me something, the same morning, when I was sad about the dream, and dissapointed when God chose to ignore my will and give me a dream about hell that I didn't want. 

What God told me, was that I have been hearing false teachings about the non existence of hell.

When I went to bible School about 8 years ago, our teachers spoke about the lack of proof of eternal hell, failing to understand how people can be in darkness at the sime time they are burning, and something about Gods word about Sodom and Gomorra, where God had said Sodom woul burn for ever but it ceased to do so after a period of time( if I remember it correctly).

And a day earlier, before the prophetic dream, I thought about it, and wished it was true, nobody wants hell to be forever, a part of me started to wish that it was true that people would cease to exist after a while. But God didn't want me to believe in a lie, so he revealed the reality of hell to me, wanted me to share it with you tonight, so we would take God seriously and not ignore what we don't understand and keep on living our lives like all people would go to heaven, whoever they are or where or will be, whatever they do, are doing or will do. That is living in a lie folks.

And if you who read this, happen to be one of my former teachers, you know who you are if that is the case, or you have chosen to believe in the lie about hell not existing, even worse if you have spoken or written about it, please repent! apologize to Jesus! God has specially said that he will punish teachers harder than others, and all should not become teachers, yet there are many, even on the wrong paths who call themselves teachers and lead people astray.

In James 3:1 you can read about it yourself. In Swedish bible its Jakobsbrevet 3:1

Heaven is beautiful, and I am happy my best friend is there, and many other people I know, who said yes to Jesus one time or another. But you can't live a a life withou God, or even as a christian not obeying God and his will with your life, and expect everything be fine between you and him after your passing.

Something I have seen people taking lightly even among christians, is sex outside of marriage. God doesn't approve of that. Or refusing to forgive others, which I encounter even among other christians now and then. He wants us to trust his word, and be willing to live according to it, so he can bless us, protect us and be with us now and forever. Whatever blocks devil has put to stop you from obeying God, God can help you to get rid of them if you turn to him. And of course, gossiping and talebearing is a sin too, that can ruin ministries and lives. I have said stuff I regret, I am not perfect, but I have learned how important it is to be careful what you say, after several years walking with Jesus. I thank God for all the people he has sent from different churches, who have throught the years prayed for me and prophecied over my life. I have been desperate for help, like a bleeding lamb looking for a shepherd to heal her. Until my own faith grew strong enough, I visited dussins if not hundreds of different christian meetings, where I learned a lot and got prayed for a lot, don't be afraid! give Jesus a chance! I reckommend healing room in Stockholm..And arken church in Kungsängen. And my own spritual home, Herrens Vingård. Before I got strong enough in faith, Jesus sent his servants to pray for me, and speak to me about spiritual stuff, and he even sent blessed books on my way written by Derek Prince, John Bevere, Linda Bergling, Graham and Shirley Powell etc. And recently I have listened to pastor Vlad, he is a blessed brother in Christ indeed. But Glory to Jesus for everything and everyone. I was a newbie, in my christian faith, even myself once.

Now I speak to him and he speaks to me, on a daily basis, heart to heart, spirit to spirit. But I have been throught many sessions when people prayed for me and evil spirits have been cast out of me before I got here.  Here you can read about great churches where I got a lot help.




I used to live in the sin of unforgiveness, after years of being bullied in school, not feeling welcomed anywhere not even in most churches, and I felt rejected at work places and badly treaded there and gossiped about etc. But God helped me, by reminding me the importance of forgiveness, and still when bad people come to me and hurt me,  he reminds me on a  regular basis to let them go and leave them to him.

Either way, where you spend eternity, and with who, is up to you. There are not hundreds of ways to enter eternity in peace, through hundreds of Gods. No, there is only one way, and hes blood was shed on the cross so you can be saved, and live in relationship with him, here and forever after your passing. The only way truth and the life, is Yeshua Hamaschiach the sacrifice lamb, Jesus Christ my Lord and King.

Jesus said in John 14:6 as an answer to one of his disciplies, who wanted to know what the way was.

"Jesus answered: I am the way, the truth and the life, No one Comes to the Father except through Me."

If you want Bible verses that support my belief, that hell exists also. You can open your Bibles( or google it until you get a bible of your own) and  read these Bible verses.

Matthew 25:31--> and onwards to the last verse.

2 Thessalonians 1:9

Revelation 14: 9-12. 

But God has also given us promises, throught his son , God the son Yeshua/Jesus.

Jesus has said in his word John 16:33:  I have told you these things , so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!

And in John 3:16 you can read: For God so loved the world,  that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

He really loves you all so much, and when we fall he can forive us if we turn to him. His grace can cover all sins.

Just humble yourself! and let him be your Lord and savior in word and practice. I myself am greatful for his mercy, and his precious blood which cleanses me daily when I fall, he reminds me of it and I apologize to him. I am equally in need of his mercy than the rest of the world.

Thats all for me, take care & God bless


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