If we put our trust and faith in Jesus/Yeshua, it will be worth it



                                YESHUA/JESUS NEVER LEAVES HIS CHILDREN                

Shalom! to all of my dear blog followers, who have found my blog this weekend. I hope you are doing well, and healthy, and that you have remembered the importance of taking care of the body God has given you, remembering to exercise and eat vitamin D supplies, the last one really important if you live in a cold climate like people in many parts of Europe does, and USA. But most of all, I hope you have thought about who's birthday millions of people will celebrate next week. The Christ in Christmas. And that he loves you and wants to adopt you into his family, he is waiting for all of you who havent yet done it. His arms are streched out, longing to fill his family, and heaven with more people, so they can come down with him later on an reign on earth forever, serving him, surrounded by his love. And he has a special plan for you. You are not here as an accident, you never where. And nor is your family.

Last week I wrote a very challenging blog post, about the realities of the two alternatives we humans have, where to spend eternity. It was one of the hardest blog post I have ever written. And I never meant to harm anyone, when I wrote it. But once again, there where people who got hurt, who I felt God tell me to share it with. And for that I am sorry. I have good intentions, and never do anything this deep unless I am one hundred procent sure, God is behind my back. But as a human, I can still be clumsy in my way of expressing things, for that I apologize.

This weekend, I felt God tell me to write more about his mercy and the depth of his love, and I felt him say something about prophecying.

I felt him tell me now, to share my dreams about heaven.  I can shortly write about two that I remember clearly.


I never met my maternal grandfather, while still on earth. He died at age 41, in stomach cancer 1973, almost 11 years before I was born.

My entire childhood, I still missed him, and heard my mother and grandmother speak about him and how he was a man of God, who sang christian songs with his kids, and used to hold meetings at his and my grandmothers home where they prayed and worshipped Jesus. I heard he loved children, and that my mother was a daddys girl. His death was a big trauma for his wife and six kids he left behind, the youngest almost five, the oldest, my mother, almost fifteen.

I used to sing Staffans Hellstrands song he wrote and sang 1993, about his friend who had died before time, to come back from heaven. I used to sing that song and think about that song when I thought about my grandfather. Of course there where pictures at grandmothers house, mostly black and white. I really longed to have a loving grandfather, I heard he was. I am not, and was never close to my maternal grandmother, for many reasons, none of which I will share this evening. The ones who know me, have heard it all. And I have forgiven her, despite lack of trust that is still there.  

I wanted a safe father figure, and I got the picture that if my maternal grandfather would have lived, he would have been a safe father figure, a loving grandpa who hugged me and cared for me. 

Well as a young adult, I think I was around my 20ties, I experienced a supernatural dream/vision/revelation, where my soul or my spirit, quickly took a flight to some sort of a heavenly realm, where to my big surprise, my maternal grandfather was, I saw how he walked, he was tall, thin, and clothed in a dark suit and had a hat that people used to have at the time he was still on earth. I got to hold his hand, and we had a short walk in some sort of heavenly realm. Around us, all I saw was the color of white, it was like a big white room, where I could not see the walls or the ground, but we still felt them under our feet where we walked.

I don't remember much about what we where talking about, only that he asked about how my mother was doing, I think I said she was fine. We just walked together, holding hands, like any other grandfather granddaughter, only we where in the spiritual heavenly realm.  Where he was young and healthy again. He didn't look older than 27.

Suddenly, Jesus/Yeshua appeared in front of me, with his brown hair and brown beard and white clothihg and even crown, and my grandfather probably went back to where he came from. Jesus/Yeshua said, its time for you to go back. And my spirit/soul just whooshed down again to my body and I woke up and rose up sitting, at the same time I returned to my body. First then I realized that either it was with my spirit or my soul, not still sure yet, I had experienced an out of body experience.  I have had medical problems, like asthma and later on I was diagnozed having sleep apnea and high blood pressure, so I still haven't excluded the fact that it could have been a NDE.

Later on when I saw my mothers little brother walk, I could tell her that is the way their father walked, and my mother said I could not have known it if I have not seen him for real. And it is real, the spiritual realm is real. There are good and bad forces, God and the devil, good angels and fallen angels, heaven and hell. And it gives me peace to know, my soul is safe and  that I will never have to fear death.

Either way, I got to see that there is life after death, and to those who put their hope in Yeshua/Jesus there is no eternal separation from God, we call spiritual death. There really is no such thing as death, when a person dies, his or her soul leaves and whats on earth is but a shell.  I yesterday started to look at Astrid Lindgrens movie The Brothers Lionheart, where Jonathan told his dying brother that after his passing, it was only his shell that he left behind, and that the real him, was going to a exciting better place called Nangiala. I can imagine how much comfort these christian themed books and movies have brought to children who where facing death. And I will always be greatful to Jesus/Yeshua for sending Astrid Lindgren. I can see the marks of her Christian faith in both the books and the movies, and they will keep on moving me to tears.

After that, I have also had other dreams, some shorter, some longer, where I have seen glimpses of heaven, and visited heaven a couple of times. And seen some of the angel children, that died while still in their mothers wombs, and where and still are somehow related to me.

In one of them I felt the grass in heaven under my feet and this amazing joy of Gods presence, while I was saying I am home.


I have also visited heaven once, and played with a specific little girl, a relative of mine that must have been sick because she died while still in her mothers womb. We got to play together and swim together and she knew who I was despite my past belief that wasnt the case. They know much more than you think! and I believe they pray for their families down on earth, they pray for their family members salvation so they can reunite with them. All  the children in heaven know who Jesus is, and he plays with them and take care of them everyday, together with the heavenly father and the holy spirit.

I can say this much, I have many angel cousins, that died because of miscarriages. That are waiting for me and the rest of our family up there. And it makes me happy to remember the words of Jesus when he said that Let the little children come to me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. In Matthew 19:13 to 15: Jesus said: Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these".

Lets just say, that God has sent me to this earth with a heart that loves children  for a reason, which is why I am involved in the ProLife movement. I know that less than 40 years from now, I will spend eternity with billions of people, including the children who never got to see our world, regardless if they died in abortion or because of misscariages. And with others of course. The ones God used me to reach. It was God's choice. He sent me,  like he sent you. He chose me, like he chose you. All you need to do, is to say yes.

When you enter throught the gates of heaven, in to a perfect world where all your griefs and pains just melts away, and see the smiling face of Yeshua and your loved ones that he has taken home before you, no matter what happens to you on this earth,you will  know it is worth it. It was worth it. You will be persecuted, your love to Yeshua/Jesus will be tested, you will be mocked, and laughed at and even gossiped about as an extremist. You might even be publicly ridiculed( like I have because of being prolife) and have strangers taking pictures of you and putting them God knows where and write nasty stuff about you to discourage you. You might loose someone you love, or your work, even your earthly life, because the devils will to make you leave Jesus/Yeshua. But you will neve loose your Lord, who loves you more than anyone else, and you will never loose your soul. As long as you walk in obedience, let Jesus take care of the judgement and put your trust and hope in him. To forgive others is very important! like Jesus did, despite all torment he had to face to save our souls, he went trought that, with the will to forgive all who came to him. He can help you!

Jesus said in Matthew 5:10-12:  Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who where before you.

He also has said in Matthew 11:28-30: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Thats all for me, for tonight. I wish you a blessed week before Christmas, in Yeshuas name. God bless you/ Tanja


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