Santa Claus didn't come to save your souls, Jesus did

                                          JESUS CAME TO SAVE YOUR SOUL- NOT SANTA                              

Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers. Its been over two months since I have written any blog posts, but I felt Lord remind me to start over again.

Since it is Christmas in a few weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to make a Christmas special blog post. To remind all of you, who really should be valued as the biggest gift of all, because God the father sent him, to save our souls from eternal separation from him. And that is of course his only son, hebrew name Yeshua, in greek called and often used among people calling themselves Christians, Jesus Christ. 

In our world, not at least here in atheistic Sweden where many if not majority of Swedes don't believe in God, people don't seem to understand, that what their hearts relly long for , is not a new car, a new parfume bottle, not clothes of the latest fashion, not alcohol, not drugs, not movie tickets or make up, or expensive jewelery.

Yes you can find joy in them, you can enjoy all of these things, the ones you can't eat and all the delicious foods and sweets we usually bake of buy to our homes to celebrate Christmas. But it is temporary joy.

When you loose someone you love when she or he dies, your partner leaves you or cheats so you have to leave him/her, or your friendship relationships are broken, or you family doesn't find time visiting you for lack of love or because of a old conflict, or when you get deadly ill in a fatal disease, or even loose your job/and house. Then what does it help you if someone gives you material stuff and wish you a merry  Christmas. You often then start to look for something you can't find from this world, and it is hope.

And hope, you can only find in the author of hope, and that is God. He is not only the author of hope, he is the only hope we have, for this world and the next.

I have lived a life, where Jesus was not my Lord( not a happy period of my life), before coming to my senses at age 19 and finally deciding to accept him as my Lord and savior. I was bullied in school and always felt like an outcast, so I had many wounds for God to heal once I gave my life to him.

Now I am still an outcast in this world, being labeled as "fanatic Christian" for my strong christian faith and being a blesser of Israel, and against Covid vaccines etc. But it does not bother God. Because my life in this world and in the next, is in his hands.

And this is the message we should always remember, Jesus is what we ar all looking for. I share a couple of famous Bible quotes, for all of you to remember.

John 3:16:  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

Isaiah 9:6: For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful counselor, Might God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

I know some of you who are reading this, are stuggling against depression and suicide thoughts, I just want to say to you that Jesus loves you! DONT GIVE UP! turn away from your old ways, your life in sin, your life without God, and accept Jesus in you heart after confessing your sins to him, then he will guide you to his perfect will, he is the one who has sent you, and is a friend that never leaves you, and a God that loves you very much and can heal all your wounds, you just need to let go of them, hand them over to him, hand your life over to him. Yes you will face persecution, people will think bad stuff of you, but it will be worth it! trust me I know!

God bless & MERRY CHRISTMAS/ Tanja


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