WE MUST REMEMBER WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS, AND
                                 WHO IS THE ONE WHO WANTS YOUR SOULS TO BE SAVED.

Shalom! to all of you, my beloved blog followers. I have been busy praying and moving to my new apartment with my sister, amongs other things, so I have not had the time to blog for almost 3 months. But I felt God tell me to start blogging again, so here I am. Hoping you will be somehow blessed with what I have written. I pray for your eternal souls. They are so precious in the eyes of Jesus.

Like many other europeans, I have heard the news reports about the war between Ukraine and Russia. And followed the tragedy of innocent people, loosing their lives, when their homes have been bombed and many have been forced to leave everything and move. And I have heard who got the blame too. Putin is the bad guy, he dictator, the tyrant etc social media channels cry out.

And many other russians have faced financial sanctions targeting their wallets,because of the war, even russians who don't necessary even support Putin. And I have heard about ordinary russian workers, who here in Sweden have been bullied only because of their russian roots and had to leave their jobs. And I don't think thats okay either.

And as easy as it is, even for us Christians/Messianic jews, to go with the flow and together with all the others, get filled with rage and anger and curse Putin and all his followers, and his soldiers, we should think, act and speak differently than the  rest of the world. Simply because we are not of this world. When we accept Jesus/Yeshua as our Lord and Savior, we enter a new world. In a relationship with our Lord, the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, and we enter his family.

We must never forget, that Jesus/Yeshua loves everybody, and wants to save all humans souls. He also loves Putin, and his soldiers, and the families of the soldiers, equally much as he loves the Ukrainians.

And he doesn't only hear the heartbreaking cries of innocent civilians in and from Ukraine.

He also hears the cries of the mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, and best friends of 19 year old Russian soldiers, who have been sent to war and died. And he hears their prayers too, as well as ours.

We must never look at another human being, and think that he has less value in Gods eyes, only because he chooses to act unjustly.

If we pray for eachother, instead of cursing eachother, and leave the judgement to God, we can see how Jesus/Yeshua transforms lives of people from all nations. He hears our prayers. 

It is so much easier to hate and carry anger against wicked people, than pray for them. It is easier to follow the flesh, than follow the will of the holy spirit. But we are supposed to take the narrow way. And pray for all people, so they can be saved and have their lives transformed.

But hatred, anger and unforgiveness, only makes us easy baits to the biggest enemy of our souls, that is Satan himself. He is the real enemy, bigger enemy than any politician who might be labeled as his servant. 

God in the Bible has warned us against unforgiveness:

Matthew 6:14-15:

For if you forgive others their sins, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you your sins".

Nobody is perfect, even though the intensity of our sins differ, some sins are seen as more horrifying than others, we still fall to sin on a daily basis, even as Christians/Messianic jews. And are equally dependent on Gods forgiveness and mercy, as the rest of the world is, no matter they realize it or not.

Of course I understand that it is a more serious sin to kill a human being, than for example steal a candybar or underwear from wallmart. But a sin is still a sin. And we all need Jesus to be forgiven and to live in relationship with him and our heavenly father who sent us to this world.

And if there is a sin, that you have fallen into, and not apologized God for as his child, it is like an invisible wall that blocks your relationship with him. When you pray, suddenly you don't feel his presence. I have experienced it myself, and after a while I usually ask; whats wrong. And God is more than willing to share what it is, and it has happened he has told me I needed to forgive someone I have held a grudge against. Or the second Tanja pit: stop worrying and trust him! and when I am like woops, God forgive me for my unforgiveness, I forgive xxx and xx, I feel his presence fall over me again.

Unforgiveness and hatred, are sins. That needs to be repented of. Sometimes we need Gods help with it, I know. But it needs to be dealt with or we willingly keep Gods blessings out, like with all other sins we choose in our lifestyles.

You see, Satan loves the most, is the thought of our souls being forever lost,  because his soul is. He loves to see people suffer, and he doesn't just want you to die prematurely, he wants you to be forever separated from Jesus, forever in the same hell he will face.  He wants you to hate, he wants you to curse, and he wants you to refuse to forgive, so he can accuse you in front of God and say: you see this so called christian woman/man, he belongs to me! because he/she refused to forgive! despite them knowing what was written in your word.

This is written in the Bible. John 10:10. Jesus says:

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, I have come that they may have life , and have it to the full.

1th Peter 5:8-9: Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him , standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

One day, the devil will be cast down from that part of heaven, where he accuses us day and night, and still is, in front of God. That is written in the Book of revelation.

Revelation 12:10: And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven; Now have come salvation and strenght, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down ,who accused them in front of God day and night.

Jesus, on the other hand, loves you! and wants to spend eternity with you. That is why he carried all your sins and curses on the cross, and endured more pain anyone of us ever will, to save us from eternal seperation from him. And when you forgive, and leave the judgement to him, he can reach out to your broken heart and heal it. Unforgiveness keep you bound to the pain caused by the offender, while forgiveness and trusting Jesus, makes sure you can be set free  from that same pain.

My heart cries with innocent victims of war, just like it cries for innocent victims suffering from other sorts of poverty, like lack of food, lack of clothes, having no homes, suffering from diseases and after being physically and/or emotionally abused. They can go hand in hand very often.

I pray for Ukraine, I have sent them clothes and sanitary products, right now thats all I have been able to give away to the victims of war between Ukraine and Russia.

But I also pray for Russia.

I pray for Israel, and Ishmael. Who fight in the Middle east.

I pray for Sweden, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, England and the rest of Europe. United States, Africa, Asia and  rest of the world. Filled with souls precious in the eyes of Jesus. And that is despite the fact I know people are trafficked there, Christians and jews persecuted, and unborn children murdered in their mothers wombs. In millions. Not just thousands. Or hundreds of thousands. The houses of the unborn children by the way, is their mothers wombs. And if we live in a country, where murdering unborn children is seen as  okay, we can be sure it is only a matter of time before Gods judgement comes over it. But when he lets judgement come by removing part of his protection, he does it because he wants people to repent so they can be saved, proud people who never have faced any hard times, often need to be humbled, so they realize that they need God. And that they need to repent.

My father has often said to me, that Atheism is the bread we eat on the good days, but when the hard times come, its no longer equally satisfying and people start thinking that maybe there is a God out there afterall. When the power of the people we trust on and sometimes even almost worship, like politicians, fail, there is only one option left, and that is Jesus/Yeshua.

The evil people just like all sinners, will regret their behavior when they face Yeshua/Jesus and his holiness brings light in to the sins of their hearts. But we need to pray for that to happen, while they still can be saved. Before it is too late. God can with his power transform a wicked person to a good person, a mess in to a message, darkness in to light. And even the people we see as the most wicked crooks of them all, once where innocent children, smiling towards their mothers, learning to walk, and laughed when they played in the snow. And Jesus saw them being born. He has a special plan for all people. And therefore he doesn't want them to be eternally lost. And often they have families, who love them and even pray for them. 

Let us never let hatred and unforgiveness blind us from seeing the value of each human being, no matter what side they are on.

I am a born again Christian, I will never support any evil actions, motivated by the flesh and influenced by the devil and his evil spirits. My heart cries especially of the innocent children who are brought in to the messy world of the conflicts between adults. I don't think killing civilians is okay. And I don't fancy Putin. But I still believe God has a plan for him, and wants to save him. He does have one specific role to play in this world of ours, time will reveal more of this issue. 

And I do know, that Jesus loves everyone. And what really helps, especially if you are a Christian/Messianic jew, is to pray for all people, even the ones who we least want to pray for.

It is also written in The Bible, the very words of Jesus himself:

Matthew 5:44-46 But I tell you this, Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. That you may be the sons of your Father in Heaven.  He causes his sun to rise on the evil, and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 

Thats all for tonight, take care and God bless/ Tanja


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