Prophetic dream about the return of Jesus


                                        JESUS WILL RETURN ONE DAY, WILL YOU BE READY?                  

Shalom! to all of you dear blog readers, I hope you are fine and healthy, especially this day and hour when the prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled on a regular basis. I hope you all will one day turn to Jesus/Yeshua and give your lives to his hands, choosing him as your Lord and Savior. If you havent allready. We should never take our lives granted, every day is a gift given by God.

 And when you one day will face him, before or after his return, your choice will have eternal consequences. You either accept him as Lord and Savior, or you choose him as your judge and you will loose your soul. The  true spiritual world is not like the breakfast table some false churches tries to tell you it is, that Muhammed, Jesus and Buddha would be sitting around the same table, and that there would be many ways to heaven and that you don't have to believe Jesus is the Son of God to be saved. And there are not various options of eternities you can choose, after your own liking. There are only two places, heaven or hell. There are only two Lords, Jesus or Satan. You either give your life to Jesus, or automatically you will stay in the Kingdom of Satan. That is a biblical fact.

Jesus has clearly said in John 14:6, when he answered his followers questions about who he was.

John 14:6:

Jesus answered: I am the way, the truth, and the life. Noone comes to the father except throught me.

And you can't play games with Jesus and have other Gods beside him, call yourself a Christian and accept Buddhist teachings and visit Yoga and New Age centers. One time or another, you will have a choice to make. And not even people who are materialistic and will let money be the guide to their lives choices are off the hook. 

If you don't believe me, read Matthew 6:24.

And While you are at it, read Matthew 16:24-26

Its not a surprise to me, that Sweden where majority are atheists,  many people don't understand the dangers of Yoga, Mediums, Porn, Astrology, New Age or movies and series where witches are good and HBTQ Agenda has its ugly nose in. That some children are so confused, they don't know what their own gender is. Halloween is celebrated, but when Christmas comes its all about Santa and Easter is all about Easter bunnies and witches. Then comes us, Bible thumpers/ Aka Christians, who warn people, but are labeled as nutcases and extremists. But trust me, it is a price I am willing to pay, I care about you too much to back off and lie only so it would be more comfortable to me. You are so precious! so unique! if you where the only soul that could be saved, Jesus would have gone through all that pain on the cross and before just to save you.

When you reject Jesus, you automatically get drawn to the kingdom of darkness. But you don't have to stay in there. Jesus has carried all of your sins, pains and curses on the cross, so you can be in his Kingdom on this earth and in eternity.

He really is a friend of life, who will encourage you when you feel like everyone else have turned their backs against you. He has been that one for me. Even thought I sometimes fall in doubt and sadness when I realize my life doesn't look the way I planned it at this high age.

Then he encourages me and says stuff like this: It was not your plan, but it was MY plan. You are exactly where I have placed you. Don't give up!

I have been surrounded by selfish people all my life, who ask me for advice but when I have needed them they have not been anywhere to find. Who used my heart, like it was a punching bag, and thought they could come into my life and vanish without saying anything as much as they please, I suppose because fear of conflict. Lost friendships have given me hours of tears before bedtime, when only God could see me. 

And Jesus is the one who has helped me to forgive them, and reminded me to hold on the good memories and keep on praying for them.

Recently, he gave me a prophetic dream about his return.

I dreamt I was standing in the balcony, belonging to my parents, and I was surrounded by many people whos faces I never saw.

All suddenly I saw strange signs on heaven, light balls that appeared in the sky, and a big Sunset where the sun was rising quickly, . I pointed out that to others and said: Wow do you see that?

Then I explained to the other people in the balcony: You see that? in the future, when Jesus returns, first to take his church home ( the rapture) and then when his second return on happens, from these light balls a shape of a man will appear. Then you will know its really him.

Then I started to think, and remembered that Antichrist has not yet come to power and all his words have not yet happened, that need to happen before his return. But it still seemed Jesus return was quite soon. Then I heard his voice saying: I am coming soon!

And the dream ended.

God wants his children to look forward to his coming, and prepare for his coming, by living a life of submission to his will, and in loving relationship with him, and be willing to serve him to reach other souls and fill heaven. He wants a people that are ready to pay the price, and be ready for persecution and suffering for his names sake, like many Christians in China and Iran already has been facing.  He can give us the all the strength, all the grace, and all the love we need to not give up. To be a Christian, is not a child`s game, one way or another, you will be facing persecution. But we are not alone in it. He is always with us. Fear should never be our guide in life, or we will be making selfish decisions instead of loving ones, because its suits us better and feels better at the moment. And in the end it will also lead people to take the mark of the beast, because they love their earthly lives more than Jesus. If you take the mark of the beast, you loose your soul. Period. 

Read Revelation 14:9-10

  God can give us the help and boldness we need, we simply will need to be willing to obey him, and forgive all our offenders trusting he will take care of the judgement. And even be willing pray for those who persecute us.

Alone on our own, we cannot do this. I am, and all of us Christians and Messianic Jews are dependent on his grace on a daily basis.

In our flesh, there is selfishness. But when Jesus moves in  to our hearts as Lord, we change more and more to his image, and he is pure love. Because his spirit moves in our hearts.

Thats all for tonight, I hope to spend eternity with all of you one day, take care and God bless 



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