
Visar inlägg från mars, 2023

It is finished! Yeshua died to save your soul!

Shalom! To all of you, who choose to check out my blog tonight. Its been a long month and a challenging march with a lot of spiritual battles, at least for me. But Jesus is still with me using me and that I am greatful for. The devil will not get rid of me before time! This is the wery last day of march 2023.  Exactly 30 years ago one of my precious cousins was born and the actor Brandon Lee died in a supposed and claimed accident in the shooting of the last mistake he ever made, choosing to act in a dark movie weeks before his wedding. As a teenager I loved his other movies and used to have a poster in my room with his face and for over 20 years my heart has grieved over his tragic death. It was not Gods will for him to act in that movie, and it wasnt Gods will for him to die that young, but somehow I still feel Brandon is in heaven waiting for his other family members, why I will keep on praying for them.  The truth will come out of what happened and God allmighty does not fear the p

Yeshua loves Israel

                    Yeshua  loves Israel             Shalom! And thank you for visiting my blog this late hour, Friday night. Most Finnish people and people who live in Israel are asleep by now, since its one hour later than the time here in Sweden in both countries, if I remember correctly.  I hope you are feeling great, and that you will have a blessed weekend with many happy memories. I also hope you jews have a peaceful Shabbat. I have Ashkenazi jewish roots myself even though if you would ask the rabbis with black hats, they wouldnt qualify me as a jew because I have accepted Yeshua as Messiah. I have a big family tree with many pro Israel people and Finnish people overall are more Israel friendly campared to Swedes. I can go so far that I believe many Finnish people belong to the lost tribes of Israel that ended up even here in europe after the destruction of the temple. I also believe there are many in Scotland, Irland and Denmark too. You see, if you take a walk in Helsinki or