Yeshua loves Israel

                    Yeshua  loves Israel            

Shalom! And thank you for visiting my blog this late hour, Friday night. Most Finnish people and people who live in Israel are asleep by now, since its one hour later than the time here in Sweden in both countries, if I remember correctly. 

I hope you are feeling great, and that you will have a blessed weekend with many happy memories. I also hope you jews have a peaceful Shabbat.
I have Ashkenazi jewish roots myself even though if you would ask the rabbis with black hats, they wouldnt qualify me as a jew because I have accepted Yeshua as Messiah.
I have a big family tree with many pro Israel people and Finnish people overall are more Israel friendly campared to Swedes. I can go so far that I believe many Finnish people belong to the lost tribes of Israel that ended up even here in europe after the destruction of the temple. I also believe there are many in Scotland, Irland and Denmark too.
You see, if you take a walk in Helsinki or any other Finnish town,  you might be surprised in how much they outwardly look like typical jews in Israel. I see semitic facial traits everytime I visit Finland. I dont think I am the only one who noticed that.

Either way, I felt Yeshua urge me to write a pro Israel blog post, so I will try my best to obey him. I cannot better do it, without sharing his love for his precious people.

I accepted Yeshua or his name here in Europe,  Jesus, in my heart as Lord and Savior at age 19 almost 20 years ago.
It has been a long Journey, but never once did he ever tell me that I should somehow oppose, hate or despise Israel. Contrary, I feel blessed when I visit synagogues for Holocaust memorial nights, Israels birthday celebrations and when I sing Hatikva and other Israel related songs, in my church mixed with Messianic songs. I love the music of famous Messianic jews like Joshua Aaron and Paul Wilbur. And my church even has Israel prayer evenings when we pray amongs others, for Israel, the middle East and many Messianic jews who need prayer.

I know antisemitic Christians do exist, they have ruined the reputation of us in front of jews hundreds of years. I have heard about the crucaders, Luthers angry words and teachings at the end of his life, and the Hitler was a Christian poppycrock belief.

But that is not at all the Yeshua/Jesus I know.
My Yeshua, loves his precious people. And has visited many jews in Israel through Dreams and visions and other supernatural ways. Just Google jews for Jesus, jew met Jesus or type the text in Youtube search you will see.
You can also check out Sid Roths its supernatural show, where Sid Roth has interviewed many jews who like he, have met Jesus and they have shared how they got there.

Yeshua even has told me personally that people who claim to be Christians and persecute Israel,  embarass him, and break
 his heart, because they are making him
unreckognizable for his own people.  Sorry if I Spelled something wrong.
But the best way to delay the return of Jesus /Yeshua, the return so many long for,is to make sure jews associate Jesus with Christians who spat on them and blamed them for killing him, or with Hitler or the russian Tsar. 

Yeshua /Jesus himself has said in his word in Matthew 23:39. That Israel in Jerusalem will not see him again, until they welcome him back by saying Baruch Haba Beschem Adonai. ( Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord). Its not the cries of the gentiles that will call Jesus/Yeshua back. The gentiles, and us who are both of gentile and jewish ancestry and love Jesus, might cry thousands of times from allover the world Jesus please come back, end this darkness ! When we hear about children sexually abused, late term abortions, hbtq brainwashing and confusing preschool kids with gender identity teachings,  earthquakes, war and starvation and the selfishness of many rich people.

But in the end its when Israel, including the millions of Israelites/jews who still live in gentile countries but will return home to Israel, when they in deep despair cry to Jesus/Yeshua for his return by welcoming him back. Thats when he comes!

Jesus/Yeshua wants all of his people to return home, and he will allow what is necessary for that to happen. If not the fishermen then the hunters. 

And in the end it has happened and after they have welcomed him he will return, just like it is written in the prophecies.
If Yeshua was against Israel,  the Messianic churches had not grown in numbers,  thousands of jews had not seen him in visions and Dreams and there would be no Messianic singers. And I would have not felt Gods Joy or peace in my heart when I am amongs jewish people taking part in memorial services or pro Israel rallies, and there would never have been Corrie Ten Boom or Oscar Schindler.

So dont look at Hitler, crucaders of Catholic church, or free Palestine yelling Christian arabs who are brainwashed in Israel hatred since childhood just like many muslims, dont look at them when you think about Jesus/Yeshua.
Look at what he taught and said in the Bible. Check up the prophecies of the Messiah even written in some of King Davids psalms.
Isaiahs prophecies are in the Torah too I believe. 
And listen to us who really know Yeshua/Jesus personally, who share his love for his precious people. Not always agreeing in everything their government does, but still know, that only by loving jews, sharing the gospel with them and supporting their return to Israel do we come closer for them to receive Yeshua/Jesus in their hearts , and in the end welcoming him back .

If you want Jesus/Yeshua to return ? Make sure you repent from every antisemitic thought you have in your heart and or in the hearts of your ancestors.
Love Israel,  pray for Israel,  tell them Yeshua loves them whenever you can in words and deeds, and support Alyah organisations and every effort for the jews to return home.
Satan will try to fight as hard as he can as long as he can to destroy Israel, and to hinder the return of Jesus. 
If he can use people who carry the name of Jesus in their faith to keep Jews away from their own Messiah, more than he already have its just fun for him.

If you want to obey Jesus/Yeshua you should make sure you are aligned to his will, by rejecting every drop of antisemitism from your life. And do and say everything he leads you to do and say so his people know he is their Messiah.
This was one of my ways of doing so. I will share Jesus/Yeshuas own words now at the end of this blog.

Have a blessed weekend in Yeshuas grace /Tanja 


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