
Visar inlägg från september, 2023

Before you pray for revival, please think of this!

                                         ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE REVIVAL?                     Shalom! and welcome to another blog post, written by me, Tanja Caroline, under the divine guidance of my Lord Yeshua/Jesus and the holy spirit he has sent us who are born again, in to the Kingdom of our heavenly father. I hope you are doing well, and that you will have a blessed weekend. Most of all, I hope you will spend eternity with me, and the God who sent you here to this earth in the first place. And to have a personal relationship with Yeshua/Jesus, is the only way we can fully be in his will. Why even as a Christian/Messianic jew its important that we seek the face of our Lord on a daily basis, in prayer, worship and Bible reading. And in personal chats and times when we practice our spiritual hearing, so we learn to hear his voice. He really loves you all, and wants to be in your lives! there is a place in all humans hearts, where only Jesus/Yeshua is meant to fit in, and no humans,

Jesus revolution- Movie Review

                                             -JESUS REVOLUTION MOVIE REVIEW-                                           Shalom everyone! I hope you are doing well, and that your week has been blessed, and will keep on being blessed, while you live yet another week by the grace of God. It is only because of his grace, you are still here. As an unbeliever/ non Christian, he has given you this time so you can use it to seek his face, and his plan for your life, if you already are a believer/Christian he has given you this time, so he can use you as tool/channel to save souls. And so you can grow in your relationship with him and mature spiritually. A part of spiritual maturation, means you will meet trials and challenges, but with Jesus/Yeshua as your captain and friend, he can bring his light in whatever darkness you are in, and he can use it so others will know the depth of his mercy. I have gone through my share of trials and challenges, but without Jesus/Yeshua I would not have survive

Innan du ber om väckelse, se till att vara redo!

                    SAKER DU BÖR TÄNKA PÅ INNAN DU BER OM VÄCKELSE                Shalom! till er alla som har valt att ha vägarna förbi min blogg, som jag inte skrivit i sen ungefär 5 månader tillbaka. Jag hoppas att ni mår bra, och att ni kommer att få en välsignad helg, med fina minnen att ta med er till framtiden. Och jag hoppas och ber, att ni som fortfarande har valt bort Jesus/Yeshua, någon dag snart, väljer att ta med honom i era hjärtan och resten av era liv, som frälsare och Herre. Han älskar er så otroligt mycket. Han vet exakt vilka det är som läser denna blogg, och vad ni kämpar med. Och han är mer än villig att hjälpa er, så länge ni tar hans utsträckta hand och låter honom komma in, och är villiga att låta honom vägleda er in till hans vilja. Väldigt viktigt är det att förlåta de som sårat dig, så han kan hela de av er som har gått igenom svåra saker och har trasiga hjärtan. Han kan hjälpa er,  som han gjort flera gånger med mig, då jag gått igenom svårigheter och mött