Before you pray for revival, please think of this!

ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE REVIVAL? Shalom! and welcome to another blog post, written by me, Tanja Caroline, under the divine guidance of my Lord Yeshua/Jesus and the holy spirit he has sent us who are born again, in to the Kingdom of our heavenly father. I hope you are doing well, and that you will have a blessed weekend. Most of all, I hope you will spend eternity with me, and the God who sent you here to this earth in the first place. And to have a personal relationship with Yeshua/Jesus, is the only way we can fully be in his will. Why even as a Christian/Messianic jew its important that we seek the face of our Lord on a daily basis, in prayer, worship and Bible reading. And in personal chats and times when we practice our spiritual hearing, so we learn to hear his vo...