Let us not forget Yeshua/Jesus this easter


Shalom! To all of you who choose to take a peek at my blog post tonight. I hope you are well and that you will have a blessed easter weekend. And I hope you will someday surrender your life to Jesus/Yeshua so you can enter our family and forever have the King of King and Lord of Lords with you, blessing you with his presense and guiding you to his full will while spending time with him. His mercy is the only reason you are reading this now, because he loves you and wants to reach out to you. So you wont loose your soul forever. If you already are in his family and Kingdom, like I am, I advice you to keep on seeking his face and will everyday , so you will keep on growing in faith, spiritual sensitivity and boldness.
You need it. We all do. We will not make it to the end if all we do is argue and complain on social media with all or free time or choose tv before time with God.
Because we will face persecutions and God expects us to forgive our persecutors and pray for them. With his help we can do it. 

Today is good Friday, even in Sweden. But it is hardly noticed or mentioned anywhere through social media. When traveling by Subway train there are no commercials about church meetings connected to what Jesus did for us on the cross to save our souls and this far I have not seen one movie about Jesus sacrifice told or revealed in advance to be shown in many big famous tv channels.  In Subways you see pictures of muslim aid organisations and mindfullness meetings.

If It makes me sad,as a Christian. I can imagine how sad Yeshua/Jesus is. He suffered horribly on the cross to save our souls and all we see in shopping malls and other public places is easter bunnies, eggs and servants of the dark with Brooms. 

Sweden as a nation has lot to answer for, and Jesus is the only hope we have, just like the rest of the world. The best way and the only way we can fight against the darkness in Islam and other false religions is to join the army and family of Jesus. And let him give us all the strenght wisdom and love we need to win souls. Regardless of how badly they treat us.

He was crucified and mocked and Carried all the sins and curses and pains of the humanity,  so we can be with him, be saved, healed and set free. And while he was being crucified he begged his heavenly father, our heavenly father to forgive them. It is written in the gospel of  Luke 23:34. He knew that the ones who wanted him to die, would one day face him in front of the judgement seat with his heavenly father and regret their wicked ways. Regret for rejecting him. Still he loved them. And pleaded to his father to forgive them. And he expects us to do the same. When we grow in our relationship with him and are willing to obey, he can bless us what we need to be able to walk according to his will. I have been badly treated my entire life, and have realized what a freedom there is in forgiveness. Jesus has motivated me and reminded me of its importance. And he is right. 
I do have my battles,  I do fall in sin and I absolutely need him to cleanse me and forgive me on regular basis. Without him in my heart, thought,  I would still be in darkness. Missing him. I am happy he is there. And I pray you all will experience his love as I have. Just say yes to him. He is waiting for you. 

The entire story about what Jesus did to save you is written in the new testament. For example Luke , chapter 23. 
Its a real story, about a real person,  and he knows who you are. There is no need for anyone to have extra bibles, Saints to intepret your prayers, Mormonism and Jehovas witnesses are wrong doctrines and beliefs, because they lead people astray from Yeshua.  Hes sacrifice is enough. You cant earn your salvation.
If you love him you can go directly to him and seek his face.
The True gospel is written in the same bibles we had hundreds of years and Christians in many countries. Not once was Mary prayed too in the new testament bibles. There was no Pope. And the True Angels wanted only Jesus to be worshipped. Revelation 22:9. You ought to remember that.

I surely hope with this blog post I have managed to remind you of the only one that is worthy of our worship, the son of God,Yeshua. Jesus. Sweden still have some fragments of him left in our history,  like the cross on the flag, Salvation army,Clara church etc, and the fact that much of our laws where influenced by the Bible. At the time of the Vikings the lives of humans where not at all equally valued as they became when Jesus came to Sweden.
Just read a history book. 

Give Jesus/Yeshua the attention he deserves, everything he did on the cross was to save you. So you can be forgiven and be in relationship with the God of universe.
Satan wants you to burn in hell forever, because he is lost forever. But Yeshua wants you to be forever his and never again be separated from him..
He also loves Israel deeply,  and wants to reach the jews. He is the Messiah they are waiting for. And his favore and blessings will never be upon those who hate curse and /or persecute Israel..
He chose to save us. Its written in John 10:11. And in John 10:18.





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