Wake up Europe, and turn back to Jesus! that Includes you Denmark!

JESUS IS THE ONLY CHANCE WE GOT Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed, and that you have been drinking enough water you who like me live in Europe and have been facing summer heat. Here in Sweden it has been normal temperature this far, and I have actually loved to bathe in sun! I hope you who are not already Christian, have decided to take the decision to follow Jesus and go to his already open arms, he loves you more than anyone else! and wants to bring you to his family, his light, his love. So you can be his light in a dark world, and win souls to glorify his name so they can spend eternity with him together with you. And you who are already Christian, I hope you have spent at least an hour a day on your knees worshipping and seeking his face, it is important, the most important hour of the day, at least give Jesus that much time! to begin with, then I know I am not the only prayer warrior here who is...