
Visar inlägg från september, 2019

Halloween- Invitation to the Spirit of Death

                    DON'T INVITE THE SPIRIT OF DEATH TO YOUR HOME          Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, now that the fall really is here with rain, cold wind and shorter days, enjoying the scented candles and warm bubble baths. And I hope you who have not already received Jesus as your savior, that you will do that soon, so he can give peace and warmth to your soul. Trust me he longs to be able to do that! to bring you to his special plan with your life, just reach his hand and say you accept him as a Lord and a Savior! he is waiting for you. You who already are a Christian, I hope you have spent time with Jesus/Yeshua on your knees and reading or listening to his word, so you have gotten spiritual food and nurturing you need to keep on growing in your walk with Christ.  And I also hope you have decided to not dance after this world, and celebrate Halloween in the occ

The Antichrist will look like a hero but be a foe

     WILL YOU KNOW WHO TO WATCH OUT FOR IN THE END? Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with more good memories to the journey of life, in the cold autumn fresh air and looking at the clear starlet sky. Here in Sweden it has been very cold recently, I actually am waiting for the snowstorm to arrive to Stockholm. I also hope you who have not already received Jesus as your Lord in your heart, will do that soon, once you have accepted him in your life, you will never be longing for another God again! and you will know what has been missing all along. Only he has the perfect love you are looking for, that doesn't exist for 100% in ordinary human beings, partners, friends or other family members. The depth and power of Jesus love is supernatural. And all hearts yearn for it! And when you have him in you heart, he can also guide you, and warn you when you are encountering something or someone that are or is harmfu

Elohim wants all the jews to return to Israel

                                    ISRAEL IS WHERE ALL JEWS BELONG Shalom, to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you have been having a blessed autumn week, feeling the coldness of the fall wind and see the new colours on the leafs. I have, I happen to love the autumn, finally all the hotness says goodbye and mosquitoes die and leave me alone when taking a forest walk. And the air feels fresher! As always, I also hope you that have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as a savior, will decide to do that soon,and that you who already have made that choice, have spent time taking care of your relationship,the most important relationship you will ever have. Today I have felt the Lord say to me, he wanted me to blog about his will for the jews in Europe and other gentile countries to return home to Israel. I also have jewish dna in my genes, and have felt Lord say several times when being amongs "other jews" or whatever I should call them, jewsih

In the eyes of Jesus- abortion is murder-

The blood of the aborted babies, have cried out to Jesus Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, now that it is getting colder and the air is getting fresher and darkness comes quicker. Soon its time for warm candles, cousy bubble baths and raincoats again. If you haven't already decided to follow Jesus as an unbeliever, I hope you will do that soon, he can give light to the darkness that is inside you longing for him, the light that heals your inner wounds, forgives all your sins, and help you to become the person you where meant to be, without sin in the way, even thought it is a progress and we are not fully perfect until eternity. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have gotten closer to Jesus, and given him as much time as possible, praying and readin his word, and listening and obeying him, in the end it is that time with Jesus that will determs how well you will face persecutions and trials of fir