
Visar inlägg från november, 2019

We must watch out for spiritual deceptions that have reached the church

                                                                                            THE BIBLE- ONLY PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION                              Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed, and that you found ways to keep yourself warm at this dark time before Christmas when sunlight only comes for a quick visit. I hope you will have a blessed Christmas 4 weeks and 2 days from now. And I hope that you who have not already chosen Jesus as your Lord and Savior, will do that soon,so he can spread his spiritual light and warmth in your heart, where there is an empty room waiting for him. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have been studying the Bible, and spent time in prayer and been seeking the face and will of Jesus, so your spirit has grown more strong and sensitive. You absolutely need spiritual sensitivity this day and age, and you will need it even more in the future. If you don't have it, there is a chance you mi

Jesus wants people to repent from a life in sin

                                   There is no blessing in disobedience                   Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you had a blessed week with good memories to take to the rest of your journey of life. I hope you like me are looking forward to Christmas( not Winter feast or just "Holiday)and to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the only way, truth and the life. Who was sent to save you from your sins, and restore your relationship with him and his heavenly father, and with the holy spirit. He is the ultimate gift to the entire humanity. And I hope if you haven't accepted him as a Savior yet, you will do that soon. Christmas will feel more happy and spiritually warm when you honour the heavenly father by receiving his son in your heart as a Savior and a Lord. It no longer is a spiritually empty Santa Claus worship day more matearlistic and greed coloured, than spiritually celebrated festival where you can celebrate the birt of your Savior and

I light a Candle to the children who only where wanted by Jesus

   Jesus said let the little children come to me Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with happy special moments with your friends, family and other loved ones, and that you have felt the warmth of jackets and hats in the cold autumn air while watching the colourfull streets now covered with leafs of different colours. And that you had cousy moments with scented candles, drinking warm tea and having nice conversations with other people. But mostly I hope and pray that if you haven't already accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord, that you will do that soon, he is the one who gives light in your heart and warmth in your soul, the way nobody else can, and he has a special plan for you. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have spent time with Jesus and had great moments with him in prayer and Bible reading feeling surrounded by his love and letting him feel the love you feel towards him from you. He is the only one who deserves the