Prayer call against the fear of man!

FEAR OF MAN IS A SIN AN A EPIDEMY, TIME TO FIGHT! Shalom, to all my beloved blog followers. Tonight I will do something differnt, I felt God tell me to urge other Christian brethren to pray with me egainst the fear of man. So that is what I am about to do this friday night. I of course hope whoever you are who read this, already have Yeshua/Jesus in your heart as a Lord and a Savior, or that you will choose him to be that some day soon, he has a special calling and plan for each individual, including you precious soul who reads this right now. So go to him, and ask him to come to your heart, he is already waiting with outstreach arms right where you are. He is ready to forgive you for your sins, and come to your life, you just need to ask him to forgive you and invite him to come. Then he is there and a new journey begins. I do not regret receiving him in my heart, despite the bullying in school, spiritual warfare...