
Visar inlägg från mars, 2020

Jesus wants us Christians to remember our spiritual roots- Israel

WHAT BOTHERS JESUS IN CHURCHES TODAY PART 3         ANTISEMITISM & CHRISTIANS FORGETTING THEIR SPIRITUAL ROOTS IN ISRAEL Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers!  I hope your week has been blessed, despite the Corona virus chaos that is spread around the world, and that you have been healthy both physically and emotionally. I of course also hope that you who haven't decided to turn to Jesus/Yeshua for salvation and redemption, will do that soon, he really loves you all so much he longs to be in a deep and personal relationship with you, and has a special plan for your life. You like me who already have Yeshua/Jesus in our lives and hearts as a Savior, I hope have used some of that free time corona chaos have served you to seek the face of Jesus more, so you have and will keep on getting closer with your Lord and maker and grow in the spirit also. Tonight, I will continue to share what I have heard in the Nordic Prayer call conference in Solnahallen in St

Jesus wants all of the churches return to preach his word, only his word!

JESUS WANTS THE CHURCHES STICK TO HIS WORD, NOT OR OWN SUGAR COATED VERSIONS OF IT Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you all have stayed healthy in the middle of the Corona virus chaos, and I hope you will stay healthy for the rest of this weekend and years to come. If you haven't already chosen Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord and Savior, I hope you will do that soon, with him you can live fearless and have a deeper purpose in your life, together with the God who created it. He has a special plan for all of us, and I pray you will meet him soon so you will be joining our family. For those who like me already have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, I hope you have been filled with the holy spirit and had many precious moments in taking care of your relationship with Jesus, the father and the holy spirit. And I hope you will keep on growing spiritually and in faith so you can face everything without fear, since Jesus is with you like he always will be with me. Now I

We need to remember Jesus message to the Church in Ephesus

                                  LET YOUR LOVE TO JESUS NEVER GO COLD                  Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers! I hope you are all well and that none of you have gotten sick in the Corona virus or experienced anything else that caused you sadness. I myself feel fit as a fiddle,despite the fa ct that I have been partaking in this wonderful Christian prayer call conferenc in Solna . I trust and know Jesus has protected me by the power of his blood, and this weekend has been amazing. I only missed yesterdays meeting for personal reasons, family stuff. But I attended on friday evening and this afternoon. The holy spirits presence was wonderful, and the teaching and worship songs where great too. I believe Jesus used our prayers against the darkness back here in Europe. Christian leadrs from Norway, Denmark, United States, Iceland, Finland and Israel also attended. And Åland of course.