Jesus wants us Christians to remember our spiritual roots- Israel

WHAT BOTHERS JESUS IN CHURCHES TODAY PART 3 ANTISEMITISM & CHRISTIANS FORGETTING THEIR SPIRITUAL ROOTS IN ISRAEL Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed, despite the Corona virus chaos that is spread around the world, and that you have been healthy both physically and emotionally. I of course also hope that you who haven't decided to turn to Jesus/Yeshua for salvation and redemption, will do that soon, he really loves you all so much he longs to be in a deep and personal relationship with you, and has a special plan for your life. You like me who already have Yeshua/Jesus in our lives and hearts as a Savior, I hope have used some of that free time corona chaos have served you to seek the face of Jesus more, so you have and will keep on getting closer with your Lord and maker and grow in the spirit also. Tonight, I will continue to share what I have heard in the Nordic Prayer call confer...