
Visar inlägg från april, 2020

The Antichrist will have loyal partner with supernatural powers

                    BEVARE OF SPIRITUAL DECEPTION!              Shalom! to all my precious blog followers, I hope you are healthy and strong in this day and age, when the dark side wants you to be scared and confused, so you can be manipulated and controlled by politicians under the influences of the darkness who know that people who are afraid are easier to control and manipulate. Whatever you do, don't give in to the spirit of fear! I suggest you all turn to Jesus, let him give you the peace and protection and guidance you need, in to his mighty will, he has a special plan for all of you, and you are reading this blog post right now, because he sent you here. So please let him be your Lord and Savior, and go to him if you haven't done it already, if you have, make sure you read psalm 91 and 23 at regular basis when the enemy tries to attack you with fear and make you think the blood of Jesus is not good enough to protect you and your near and dear ones. Because t

Remember what Jesus did on the cross- On every Easter

                                                                    JESUS CARRIED THE SINS OF THE ENTIRE HUMANITY ON THE CROSS Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers.  I hope you are all well and healthy, in body and in your soul and spirit. And I hope that all of you who are Christians/Messianic Jews have spent time thanking our Lord Yeshua/Jesus for what he has done for us on the cross, being Good friday and all. I had a prayer and worship day, and feel spiritually refreshed now after all that.  Those of you who still are in the dark, and have not received Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as a Savior, I hope you decide to do that soon, so you can be cleansed and forgiven from your sins, and enter in to a relationship with our creator and Savior, Heavenly father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We are all meant to be in relationship with God, and Jesus/Yeshua is the only way, the truth and the life to get there. The mediator, the sacrifice lamb that was slayed for our sins sake,  the si

Do not let fear become your God, Jesus is much better!

         ITS TIME TO DITCH FEAR AND EMBRACE GOD Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all well and that you have managed to have a happy and peaceful time in the midst of all the fear yours as well as my surroundings is trying to impose on us. In Sweden fear is like a virus, it has spread to many peoples lives, and it causes many people including children to have problems to sleep. Right now the biggest fear is of the Covid 19/aka Corona virus. But there are other fears that have lasted longer, like fear of man, unhealthy fear of Jesus and Christianity, fear of being judged and fear of not being good enough in school, at work or being good enough friend, spouse, coworker or a boss. Fear of loosing a job, fear of loosing a child or fear of loosing someone else or something else they value. And one of the saddest and most unnecessary fear of all, fear of death.  Many in Sweden think of death like the ultimate finale, when they cease to exists. W