
Visar inlägg från mars, 2021

You can't serve both God and money- There is spiritual danger in Mammon worship

                                                                                                BE NOT DECEIVED BY GREED- JESUS IS OUR ONLY SALVATION              Shalom! to all of you, my precious blog followers, many or few. I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, and that your weekend will be blessed also. The sun has been shining a lot in Stockholm these days, and it has been wonderful to work on that tan a little, and combining that with some prayer. The world is filled with so many people in need, I don't understand how any christian can spend hours in front of facebook/instagram but not spend even one hour in prayer. I hope they are not that many, because I know it grieves God. At least one hour all christians should spend in prayer and worship! everyday, or they might not be ready for what is coming our way. And of course, it is equally important to read the Bible. So many deceptive teachings are out there, the only way we can know what is the truth is to

God's will has not changed- He wants us to marry the opposite gender

                                                                                                BIBLICAL MARRIAGE IS BETWEE N A MAN AND  WOMAN ONLY Shalom! to all my blog followers. I hope your week has been happy and blessed, and that your weekend will be happy and blessed also. I plan to attend a manifestation, that right now mainstream media seem to plan doesn't exist. If you want to know which one. Come to Stockholm Sergels Torg tomorrow( also called plattan) the one with checkboard floor near Kulturhuset. At 1 pm. I still think people should have the rights to make their opinions known, and  go against mainstream media and corrupt politicians talk about the Covid 19 situation. They make all who want to not take the Covid 19 look like anti vaxxer maniacs who want people to die. Which we are of course not. We simply don't trust our government and what they say about the situation. I myself will go there because God wants me there to pray for the people. The people who will a

Jesus is the only way, truth and the life, stay away from spiritual adultery!

  JESUS NEVER WILL AGREE TO MIXING OF RELIGIONS- ONLY TO HIM BELONGS ALL WORSHIP Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are in good health, this day and hour. And that you will be having a blessed weekend, peaceful and happy. If you have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, I hope and urge you to do that soon. No matter what happens in your life, it will never be what God planned it to be, unless you let him join it as Lord and Savior. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, without him our souls are lost. The ones who like me, already have Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts, I hope you will keep on growing in faith, and that this blog post will somehow help you stay on the right path. There will be false prophets, teachers, even preachers and pastors, who are themselves led astray and therefore cant be trusted. They might favor the will of the people before the will of God, and therefore live, act and teach that joining this world is the best

Only if you forgive others, God can forgive you

              DON'T LET UNFORGIVENESS ROB YOU OF EVERYTHING, ITS NOT WORTH IT ! Shalom! to all of you, my precious blog followers. I hope you are all fine and healthy, and that you have been having a great week and that you will have a blessed weekend. Of course, I also hope all of you who haven't received Jesus in your hearts as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He really has a special plan for each and every one of you, and there is nobody who loves you as much as he does. Thats why he chose to come down from heaven, and carry the sins, curses and pains of entire humanity on the cross, so yours and my soul could be forgiven. He died for us, so our relationship with God the heavenly father could be restored. God sent his only son to save us, and he really is the only way, truth and life. You who already are born again christians/messianic jews, I hope you also have been grown in your spirit and had taken time  to seek the face of Jesus in worship and prayer, and reading his