
Visar inlägg från april, 2021

Yeshua will always love Israel, and despises antisemitism

                     GODS WILL IS FOR US TO BLESS ISRAEL, SO WE CAN BE BLESSED Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers, jews, gentiles, men and women, young and old. I hope this week has been blessed with many good memories, for all of you to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. And I hope you all will have a blessed weekend too. From the bottom of my heart, I hope all of you who haven't received Yeshua /Jesus in your hearts yet, will do that soon. He loves you all so much, and has sent you to this earth because he has a special plan for you, but you can only enter that plan if you accept him as your Lord and savior, and let him guide you into it, together with him and his precious deep supernatural love you can't find any elsewhere. He has seen you being concieved, seen you in your mothers womb, seen your first smile even before you sent you to this earth. He loves us all so much. So whoever you are, let him in your hearts, if you have already, make sure

God wants couples to get married so he can bless them

SEX OUT OF WEDLOCK IS AGAINST GODS WILL, HIS BLESSING CAN ONLY ARRIVE IN A RELATIONSHIP  WHEN A COUPLE OBEYS HIS WORD AND GETS MARRIED Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are blessed with good health, physically and spiritually, and that you have a wonderful week ahead of you. I hope you who haven't made that choice yet, will soon choose to invite Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, so he can bless you with his presence and guide you all into his plan. Those of you who have already made that choice, I hope you will keep on growing in faith and prospering spiritually in loving relationship with our Lord. Taking time to read his word and seek his face in prayer. He really loves you all so much . Only Jesus can fill the place in your heart, that cries out for him, no other human can ever do that. Jesus is both human and God, thats why he is called the son of man in the Bible. He had to become a human to be able to die for our sins on the cross. Which he d

Jesus chose me long before I chose him

                                     PERSONAL TESTIMONY- JESUS STARTED IT ALL                                 Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are fine and well this day and hour, and that you will have a blessed weekend. In Stockholm we will face a big storm, so we ought to keep our hats and wigs on this weekend so they don't blow away. I hope those of you who havent received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He has a special plan just for you, and there is a place in every humans heart that long for relationship with God. Jesus is the way there. And he opened the way by carrying our sins on the cross so we can be forgiven and cleansed from our sins, and enter in to a new relationship with the creator of our lives and souls. So we could have our relationhsip with God restored. Those of you who already have Yeshua/Jesus in your hearts as Lord and Savior, I hope you will keep on seeking his face on a daily basis, so you can grow s