
Visar inlägg från maj, 2021

It's important to never stop praying- Personal testimony

                                                                                         JESUS HAS SPOKEN ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSISTANT PRAYER                      LET US OBEY AND KEEP PRAYING- TRUSTING HE WILL HEAR  Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope you ar all allright, healthy and happy, physically and spiritually. The summer is almost here, and I look forward seeing more flowers grow and bloom in the forests, which I personally see as God's fingerprints on earth. How can anyone look at a sunset and visit a forest with all of its beauty and not see that there is a creator behind it? it just doesn't make any sense. Not for me anyway. I cannot imagine how scary it must be to believe this world is all there is and then you simply stop exist. And I am happy Yeshua reached out to me, so I in different ways realizes that he does exists, and he does really see me and love me. Thank you Yeshua! and I hope and pray all of you who read this, who havent accepted Y

To choose the narrow gate will be tough, but your reward is eternal

                                                                                 THE NARROW GATE MEANS YOU WILL FACE PERSECUTION-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT!                                                                   Shalom! to all of you, my precious blog followers. I hope you are doing allright, and are healthy at this time and age. Remember to eat enough Vitamin D, C and Zink, and to be physically active on a daily basis. That helps! it has helped my blood pressure to drop from dangerously high to almost normal low. But what is important, even more important than anything else, that is to choose to follow Jesus/Yeshua and accept him in your hearts as Lord and Savior, so he can bring you to his special plan for your life. You are all unique, and precious in his eyes an

Nation is rising against nation- The birthpains have started

      THE PROPHETIC WORDS OF JESUS/YESHUA POINTS TO OUR TIME                         Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories, and that you will have a blessed weekend. You are precious in the eyes of the Lord, which is why I hope you will let him become ( or stay if you are born again christian/messianic jew) as your Lord and savior, this weekend and all the other days, until you leave this world and enter in to eternity with him. He has a special plan for all of you, and that is why God the father sent his son Yeshua/Jesus to die for your and the rest of humanitys sins on the cross, so we could be cleansed by his precious blood that works as soap, that cleanses our hearts from the filth of our sins so together with God we will forever be with eachother. Only when Yeshua really is your Lord and savior, you can enter his special plan for your life, he is the one who sent you to the earth in the first place, so whatever you do, d