
Dividing Israel & October 7th Massacre

                                                ELOHIM NEVER APPROVED OF DIVIDING ISRAEL                        Shalom! to all of you my precious blog followers. I hope you are happy and healthy, and I wish you a blessed weekend under the grace of God and his mighty protection. Yeshua, who's greek name is Jesus, loves you all very much, and he longs to have you in his Kingdom and family for all eternity. Which is its important you accept him and grab his hand while you still can. He has already reached it towards you. If you already have accepted him as Lord and Savior, like I have, I hope you will keep on seeking his face everyday, and read his word on regular basis, so you will keep on growing spiritually. And that you also meet other Christians/Messianic jews so you can together walk in the light. We all need a spiritual home. You never know when your time is up. The victims of 7th October massacre in Israel, had no Idea what was going to happen, before the terrorists attacked t

Let us not forget Yeshua/Jesus this easter

YESHUA DESERVES TO BE REMEMBERED Shalom! To all of you who choose to take a peek at my blog post tonight. I hope you are well and that you will have a blessed easter weekend. And I hope you will someday surrender your life to Jesus/Yeshua so you can enter our family and forever have the King of King and Lord of Lords with you, blessing you with his presense and guiding you to his full will while spending time with him. His mercy is the only reason you are reading this now, because he loves you and wants to reach out to you. So you wont loose your soul forever. If you already are in his family and Kingdom, like I am, I advice you to keep on seeking his face and will everyday , so you will keep on growing in faith, spiritual sensitivity and boldness. You need it. We all do. We will not make it to the end if all we do is argue and complain on social media with all or free time or choose tv before time with God. Because we will face persecutions and God expects us to forgive our persecutor

Cursing Israel is spiritually dangerous!

                               YESHUA/JESUS IS THE LION OF JUDAH, AND LOVES ISRAEL     Shalom! once again to all my beloved blog followers, men and women, girls and boys, jews, gentiles and samarites. Its been two months since my last blog post, and I hope you are all well and healthy, physically and emotionally. Those of you who already are in the Kingdom of Jesus/Yeshua and his family, I hope you have grown, and will keep on growing in faith, and in closer relationship with our Lord, and that you let Yeshua/Jesus lead you, fill you with the holy spirit, and give you the strenght you need to face what is happening and is going to come, as we come closer to the return of Yeshua/Jesus. Keep seeking his face in prayer, and forgive all who offend you, no matter what happens. And remember that this earth is only temporary, and what we do here, we will be held accountable for when we stand face to face with God the father, Yeshua/Jesus God the Son, and the holy spirit.  Have your eternity w

Christmas begins with Christ for a reason

                           WITH CHRIST- CHRISTMAS HAS A DEEPER MEANING                          Shalom! to all of you, who have decided to check my blog post, this cold and snowy friday night, December the 1th 2023. I believe you are here for a reason.  And that is because Jesus/Yeshua loves you and wants to reach you somehow. He reminded me, that he wanted me to write a Christmas special blog post, and here it is. I will combine it with some Bible teachings, I think others should take heed to, this day and age, where even Christianity itself seems to have many different forms. And some who claim to be Christians, but are only that by name, even go so far they say that their Jesus is this way and that way, and accepts a lifestyle completely aligned to this world, so people wont see the difference between them and the unbelievers. I suggest all those people, should rent or buy or get a Bible for free from example the second hand shop called Skopan here in Upplands Väsby, and read what i

Movie review of the movie " Sound of Freedom"

                                                                SOUND OF FREEDOM MOVIE REVIEW - HOW GOD CAN USE FEW PEOPLE TO SAVE MANY FROM THE DEVILS HANDS Shalom! to all of you who have decided to visit my blog, this weekend. I hope you are doing all right, despite the dark times of this hour, in a world where a war goes on between good and evil, and between darkness and light. Between Yeshua/Jesus and Satan. Israel and Hamas. God and the devil. Know that Yeshua/Jesus loves you, and can give you the strenght you need, if you let him come in to your hearts, and guide you to his will. You see, he created your hearts, he gave you your consciences, and he is the one who can fill it the way nobody else can. So I hope one day, before its too late, you will join his family,his Kingdom, his will, the reason why he sen you to this world in the first place. And that you who already are a Christian/Messianic jew, will keep spending time with our Lord, on a daily basis, seeking his will. In pra

Before you pray for revival, please think of this!

                                         ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE REVIVAL?                     Shalom! and welcome to another blog post, written by me, Tanja Caroline, under the divine guidance of my Lord Yeshua/Jesus and the holy spirit he has sent us who are born again, in to the Kingdom of our heavenly father. I hope you are doing well, and that you will have a blessed weekend. Most of all, I hope you will spend eternity with me, and the God who sent you here to this earth in the first place. And to have a personal relationship with Yeshua/Jesus, is the only way we can fully be in his will. Why even as a Christian/Messianic jew its important that we seek the face of our Lord on a daily basis, in prayer, worship and Bible reading. And in personal chats and times when we practice our spiritual hearing, so we learn to hear his voice. He really loves you all, and wants to be in your lives! there is a place in all humans hearts, where only Jesus/Yeshua is meant to fit in, and no humans,