
Visar inlägg från november, 2018

I'll see you again! a tribute for my precious friend Sandra

SANDRA VESTERDAHL 1984-2018-I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN           Shalom to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you have been having a great week, and that you will have a wonderful weekend, preparing for the coming Christmas. If you haven't yet received Jesus as your savior,Lord,comforter and friend, I hope you will some day soon, he does have a special plan for your life!Today I am going to do something different, I am going to write a tribute to my friend Sandra, or no, she was much more than just a friend! she was like a sister, a person I could tell my deepest secrets and we talked about everything from heaven to earth,and had many wonderful memories together I will cherish the rest of my earthly life, until I finally are taken back to heaven myself, so I can spend eternity with both Jesus, Sandra and other friends and family members waiting for me up there. I know eternity is longer than the few years I still have left on this earth, they are few compared to ete

The blood of Jesus can't be bought on Black Friday

                                                FRIDAY 2018-11-23 "BlACK FRIDAY" Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, and I hope this weekend will be blessed with more good memories. Most of all I hope those memories will include to accept Jesus/Yeshua as your savior,so you can have a fresh start in his kingdom and also your new kingdom,the kingdom of light. Unless you already have him as your Lord, in that case I hope you have spending time with him and that the two of you had a great time spending time together as God and his precious son/daughter saved by grace. He really loves you and has a special plan for your life! No gods of wood, glass or stone who can't breath talk or do anything at all, can compare with having a relationship with the living God. Yes you most certainly will meet tough times, but you are not alone in it. Tough times will come to you anyway in different forms, if y

The importance of forgiveness

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, and that the rest of your weekend will be blessed with even more. If you haven't received Jesus as your Lord and saviour yet, I hope you will do that soon, he really loves you and has a special plan for you! Now to todays topic, and it is the importance of forgiveness. For 2 weeks ago, I visited a church in Solna, Stockholm, where I heard a woman with prophetic gift speak about her life and how God has used her in different situations because of his abundant grace. One of the thing she spoke about, was something God even has reminded me to write down in this blog. And it is partly about the importance of unity and forgiveness. I know there are Christian brothers and sisters out there, who have been infected by the worlds way of thinking, and carry grudges toward one another. And it often even ends in gossip rounds that would make gossip tabloids green with envy. " Oh did you h

Christmas is empty without Christ

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, once again I had problems with the login system with my original blog, so here I am again. November has been this far more gray than usual, my friend I knew from the time we where 16, passed away last weekend and got Angel escort to heaven, where she is with Jesus, her grandfathers, maternal grandmother, one of her cousins and other relatives and friends, I bet she has met my family members and friends too by now. The world will not be the same without her, since I knew she had stage 4 cancer,and God reminded me of the fact that he was going to take her home, weeks before he did that, I have been crying a lot and I know there will be different times in the future when the tears in my heart appear when I think about her, no matter if I show them publicly or not. She was my fighting hero, the last time I saw her 3 days before she left, I said you are my hero and my fighter! I love you! and cya!! putting my thumb up and she said: Thank you! and p