I'll see you again! a tribute for my precious friend Sandra

SANDRA VESTERDAHL 1984-2018-I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN Shalom to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you have been having a great week, and that you will have a wonderful weekend, preparing for the coming Christmas. If you haven't yet received Jesus as your savior,Lord,comforter and friend, I hope you will some day soon, he does have a special plan for your life!Today I am going to do something different, I am going to write a tribute to my friend Sandra, or no, she was much more than just a friend! she was like a sister, a person I could tell my deepest secrets and we talked about everything from heaven to earth,and had many wonderful memories together I will cherish the rest of my earthly life, until I finally are taken back to heaven myself, so I can spend eternity with both Jesus, Sandra and other friends and family members waiting for me up there. I know eternity is longer than the few years I still have left on this earth, they are few...