
Visar inlägg från december, 2018

Happy New Year! remember that Jesus is the Lifeguard of your soul!

                                                                      2018-12-28- NEW YEAR BLESSINGS Shalom! once again to my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed, with many good memories, with your family celebrating Christmas and all. And I hope you have come closer to accepting Jesus in your heart as a saviour and that you will go back to him soon. I believe all people have been created by Jesus and before they where sent to earth, they had interesting chats with him in heaven about what they will be and what plans he has for them. And throughout our journey on earth, we never will feel completely spiritually at peace with our lives, until we return to Jesus and give our hearts to him. One time or another, we all begin to miss Jesus, and that missing can feel different depending on the situations we go through. Commonly we miss him when we loose one of our beloved ones, and feel deep inside our hearts and souls that this should not be the end, a str

Merry Christmas! When God the father sent Jesus to the earth, he thought of you!

                                                       Its Merry Christmas! Not Happy Holiday!   Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. Since it is a day before Christmas eve,  I thought I would like to tell you a little bit about the heart of Christmas, called Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah. The reason for the season indeed. I know many people especially in Sweden associate Christmas with Santa Claus, his little helpers, the Grinch, ginger breads and Christmas presents plus all the yummy food like a lot of read meat, sweets and differents sorts of fishes, pastries combined with jingle bells from the radio. But that is not at all why we used to celebrate Christmas in the beginning. The real reason for the season is the wonderful fact, that Jesus, God the Son, was sent to earth to become the saviour of the entire human race. So a very long time ago, God the father decided that now was the time for the Biblical prophecies to be fullfilled, and to send Jesus to the earth t

A tribute to precious Birgitta- le'hitra'ot axar kax, Am Israel chai!

                                                                     BIRGITTA NILSSON 1947-2018        Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been great, with blessed        memories with people you love. And I hope 10 days from now, you will celebrate a wonderful        Christmas filled with joy and Gods presence and blessings. If you haven't received Jesus as a        Saviour, Lord, friend and brother, I think it would be wonderful time to do it now. The reason        you even read this, is because he has sent you to visit my blog. Whoever you are, Jesus a ka                Yeshua, loves you very much and longs to have you in his loving arms so he can save your soul        and use you to fill heaven with more people, who you can later on spend eternity with later on.        He has a special plan for each and anyone of us, that includes you. Just go to him, he is already         waiting! You won't regret it.  His love is s

Why I don't support Agenda 2030

Good evening my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with good memories, and I hope your weekend will be blessed with even more good memories, with your loved ones. I hope you have decided to follow Jesus/Yeshua  most of all, since he loves you very much and has a special plan for you! or that you as a Christian have spent time taking care of your relationship with him. He deserves to be the nr 1 in your life, just like in mine. And to worship him in peace filled with his spirit, is a wonderful experience and exercise for the future eternity you will spend with him, and reading his word is a perfect way to remind yourself who he is and what his will is.  Today I will write a little about what is widely spread through many social media channels, like twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but hardly mentioned in the big newspapers with many readers. And that is Agenda 2030. The plan EU has for Europe, and which sadly is hoorayed by our current Prime minist