
Visar inlägg från januari, 2019

Israel, Yeshua was not behind the holocaust

                                                      HOLOCAUST REMEMBERENCE DAY                                          Shalom !to all my beloved blog followers. Today we have all around   the world remembered the millions of innocent Jews that where killed during the World War 2. Together with many other people, including the big variety of people with different handicaps,  plus homosexuals and political opponents. Last year I was with my Jewish brethren and remembered them at a Holocaust memorial service at a Synagogue in Stockholm. This year I thought my church was going to have its own Holocaust memory manifestation in City, so I didn't contact the arrangers and told I was going to attend, which is important to do in good time, since I thought my church was going to have its own but in the last minute they cancelled it, I still don't know why. Perhaps we didn't get permission from the police or something. But I have last night watched Schindlers list scen

God still has the last word, but we are called to pray for our government!

                                                       ITS NOT OVER YET, GOD IS NOT FINISHED      Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I guess you all have heard the news by now, that Sweden has gotten a "new government" with the help of the leaders of the Liberal Party and Center party, Stefan Lövfen once again became our Prime Minister. Which is not good news, because The Social democratic party have been nothing but crooks in their fight to have a hold on the Swedish government and make it a bigger chaos than it already is. Their followers have threatened Swedish Democratic party voters, hidden their election papers with Swedish democratic leaders names on it, bribed voters and scared them , people from problem areas, with calls days before election saying that they should vote for S or something bad will happen. That government has also cast out people with serious diseases making it harder for sick people to be allowed to have money for sick leave, p

Every abortion makes the heart of Jesus cry

Its never just a piece of flesh, its a real human! Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. I have read something in a Christians newspaper recently, and it chocked me powerfully.  And it is the fact that 48 millions of human beings, have been murdered in their mothers wombs during the year 2018. Innocent children, that Jesus had a plan for. More children have been killed than being born I read and its so very sad. I know I live in a country where conscience freedom is seen as a "threat" by far to many people, who think it endangers their right to be allowed to get their unborn children killed. It just shocks me how strongly so many people oppose conscience freedom, they fight for it with strong passion, a passion they could easily have used to fight for preventing pregnancies, and helping and or supporting other women who might want to keep their unborn children. The "women's right" to have abortions, are more important than preventing them obviously

If you choose mammon as your Lord, you will loose your soul!

                                                          MONEY CAN NEVER SAVE YOUR SOUL Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, whoever you are I wish you a blessed new year, hoping you will meet Yeshua/Jesus as your Lord and feel the depth of his love for you. And come in to his plan for your life. Together with him by your side, in this life and in the next one. Because in the end, that is what matters most, who you chose as your Lord. I can't help but noticing, how strongly the prophecies of Jesus, through his servants speaking about the end times, applies to our world here and today. Not at least when speaking about money. Maternity wards have been shut down, to save money.  Children in Preschool have less caretakers, to save money. Old people who have built this world, working hard many years, might end up in the streets and become homeless when their spouses die, because they don't have enough money and can't pay the rent, and the politicians d