
Visar inlägg från juli, 2020

Jesus can set you free even from sexual bondage

                                                        JESUS HAS THE KEYS TO THE CAGE OF SIN- EVEN THE ONE                          PUBLICLY ACCEPTED AND CALLED LOVE Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, to take with you to the journey of life. And I hope your August will be a happy month. If you haven't done it already, I hope you will accept Jesus/Yeshua as your savior and Lord in your heart this new month, so you can have a fresh start with your creator, Lord, savior and friend that you where meant to be in a relationship with, why all people have a hole in their heart that only can be filled with Jesus/Yeshua. That is the void people feel who get depressed and try to fill it with sexual encounters, shopping, drinking, smoking and using drugs. But it won't work, since Jesus is the one who is meant to fill it. So let him come to your life! he has a special plan for you and can set you free fro

To carry the cross means you will face persecution

                             THE RAPTURE WILL NOT RESCUE US FROM PERSECUTION     Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed and under the mighy hand of God's blessed protection. Every breath you and I take, we do because God allows us to. He has a special plan for each and one of us, therefore it is important we accept Yeshua/Jesus in our hearts as Lord and Savior, and guide us in to the plan he has for us. It might not always be amazing adventurous missionary trips to Africa or Puerto Rico, but where God wants to use you, he will place you. It could be in the grocery shop, or at your work or at your school. Or throught your blog, or other way throught internet. You can write a book that he will use to reach souls, or use your poems or art. He can first use you among your near and dear ones you do know, to then later on send you to the world with whoever is meant to be there with you sharing the gospel in word an action.  The truth is

We are still serving the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob my Christian brethren!

                                                                                            WATCH OUT FOR ANTISEMITIC TEACHINGS IN THE LAST DAYS! Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, this warm summer Friday night. I hope that you are all healthy and strong, physically and spiritually, and that you will have a blessed weekend, under the protection of Yeshuas mighty blood and his Angels. Before I continue with todays topic, about the spiritual dangers of Antisemitic teachings, I wan't to make some things clear to all of you. I am now 36 years old, received Jesus/Yeshua in my heart at age 19, that means I am 17 years in the Spirit.  And throught these years I have been reading the Bible, being prayed for in the church, and listened to several good sermons where the word of God was taught, throught his servants David Wilkerson, Derek Prince, Graham Powell, Linda Bergling, Joyce Meyer and many more. And for the past 7 years, I have spent hours having Bible study refl

We are not supposed to conform to the patterns of this world

                           PUT YOUR FAITH IN JESUS, NOT THIS WORLD Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you are in good health despite the Covid 19 scare that has spread across this world. And I hope you are going to have a wonderfull blessed week this week that is ahead of us. I hope if you haven't done it already, that you will turn to Jesus/Yeshua and invite him to your heart to be your Lord and Savior. He has a special plan for each and one of you, and you are not reading this as an "accident". No matter what you have gone throught, Jesus/Yeshua can help you and heal you. Don't give up on life! the ones who has offended you, Jesus will hold accountable. You are precious, and don't let anyone ever think you don't deserve to be happy or that your life is not worth living. You are here for a reason, and Jesus wants to guide you to his purpose, why he sent you. There always will be circumstances that are not rosy and jolly, and people tha

If you attack Israel, God's curse will be upon you!

                                                                             DO YOU WAN'T GOD TO BLESS YOU? THEN BLESS ISRAEL                 Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I am writing this blog post from a suburb in Stockholm. I hope you are healthy physically and emotionally, and spiritually too. I wish and pray all of you who are not there yet, will meet Yeshua ( another name for Jesus) some day soon, and get to know how much he loves you. He has a special plan for each and anyone of you, and he longs for all his lost sons and daughters to come home. All you need to do is go to him, ask him to come to your heart as a Lord and a Savior, and a new journey will begin. In this webb page you can find the sinners prayer if you want to accept your creator and savior to your heart, just read it out loud while you are on your knees: Today I will write once again, about Israel. You might w