Jesus has defeated death- say no to Halloween celebrations

SATAN, DEATH AND EVIL SPIRITS SHOULD NOT BE CELEBRATED! BE CAREFUL WHO AND WHAT YOU OPEN YOUR HOME TO! Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, whoever you are, I hope your week has been blessed with warmth, happiness, peace, God's protection and many more happy memories. And I hope you like me, will reject to celebrate the darkness connected to Halloween this weekend. I don't mind people visiting loved ones graves, to remember them, light candles in front of the graves or visiting churches and lighting candles to their memories. And I am sure God has no problems with it either. But what I sense God has a problem with, with every cell in my soul and heart, that is the to celebrate death, demons and Satan, by letting kids dress up to demons, to Satan himself, to vamprires and witches, and make it a fun game. And since I am a born again Christia...