
Visar inlägg från november, 2020

God can be forced to use tough love when facing rebellious nations

                          TOUGH LOVE IS ALSO LOVE, EVEN WHEN IT COMES FROM GOD               Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you had a blessed week with many more good memories to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. And I hope you have been blessed with good health. This day we have celebrated 1th Advent in Sweden, it is the first out of 4 weekends when we light a candle, there is 4 candles all in all we light, while we wait for the Christmas to come. We are in a way looking forward to Christmas and getting prepared for it. Many here in Sweden bake Christmas related cookies or cakes, perhaps even buns and other sweets, and make sure their homes are  filled with red coloured curtains, candles, and everything related to Christmas. Some even get the Christmas tree from the basement or buy a new one. I have been baking, and listening to beautiful Christmas music, the ones that really glorify Jesus/Yeshua, like Jussi Björlings O helga natt( o holy night) and

Remember the Christ in Christmas and let us give him the glory!

  ONLY A LIFE THAT HONOURS CHRIST, CAN GIVE US WHAT WE REALLY NEED IN A MATERIALISTIC WORLD       Shalom! to all my  beloved blog followers.  Whoever you are and whatever reason it was you where sent to read my blog post this weekend. Know that Jesus/Yeshua loves you, has a special plan for your life, and that nothing from this world, no fancy cars, Hollywood penthouses, jewelery, clothes, trips to Bahamas or exotic foods, can ever really give you what really need, what your heart really longs for. And that is a relationship between you and the creator of the entire humanity and the universe, Jesus/Yeshua is the only mediator, the only way you can get there. Through this redeeming blood, that can cleanse you from all of your sins, so you can come to the Heavenly father and have your relationship restored. When you accept Jesus/Yeshua, he, God the father and God the holy spirit move in to your heart and you will come into a new life, a life united with your Lord and savior. Now that Chr

Its not over yet, God still has the last word

  GOD'S WILL RULES THE UNIVERSE AND WILL IN THE END DECIDE WHO WILL BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Shalom! to all of you, my beloved blog followers, old or new! I hope your week has been blessed, while waiting for this dark and rainy November to end and to the long waited for December to arrive. I hope you who already are Christian, have been filled and refilled with the holy spirit, while spending time with Jesus/Yeshua on a personal level by prayer, discussions and worship, and by reading and listening to his word. i also hope that you also have prayed for the election of the united states, and both of the candidates. Those of you who haven' t already received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, I hope you will do that soon, so you can enter to the plan God has for you, he has missed you and longs to have you in his family, just join him! pray the sinners prayer and invite him in.  Tell him you want him to come to your life as Lord and Savior, an that you a

Unborn lives matter, We should stop killing or future!

                         GOD HAS A SPECIAL PURPOSE FOR EACH CHILD                  Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories, and that you will have a blessed weekend, surrounded and protected by the grace of God. I hope you who are Christians/Messianic jews, have grown in your faith and been filled with the holy spirit instead of filled with fear, despite the Covid 19 virus spreading, Jesus wants to fill us with peace, and love and his boldness in the midst of this darkness, it is important we take care of our relationship with him, I have found singing worship songs are some of the most fantastic ways to attack the spirit of fear and anxiety, which like the demonic snakes they are, trying to find bait in this time and hour. We should not give in to fear, because fear itself can make people sick. Fresh air, a heart filled with the holy spirit in worship and Bible reading, vitamins and lovely walks outside, is what we all need. N