Jesus wants us to stop gossiping and talebearing- We will be held accountable!

GOSSIPING AND TALEBEARING ONLY BRINGS PAIN AND DESTRUCTION WITHIN SOCIETIES AND CHURCHES- IT NEEDS TO STOP! Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed, and the rest of your weekend will be blessed too. Spring has finally arrived to Stockholm and Sweden, and I love the scent of it when I take my daily walks outside. I believe all people need phsyical exercise, even now at covid 19 times. It has always kept people healthier and stronger, I never will understand why some countries force people to stay inside all day, I mean you can keep distance can you not? I certainly can. Fresh air is so important! nobody I mean nobody feels good if they need to stay inside all day. Especially if they own a small apartment with small opportunities to exercise. Don't give in to fear, pray and trust Jesus protection! you who already have accepted him as your Lord and savior, those who havent, I urge you to do so today or very soon, he has a special plan for ju...