
Visar inlägg från juni, 2021

Its never "just a whore" but a precious soul

                                       WE MUST TAKE A STAND AGAINST SEX TRAFFICKING Shalom!  to all of you, my precious blog followers.  I hope you have had a nice midsummer with family and friends, and that your weekend will be blessed also. It has been rainy today in Stockholm, but with some mix of sunshine too. I have been reading two books for a long period of time now, one is about a young girl from Russia who was lured into sex trafficking at late teens, called Sold.  I can't find an english version of it. But if you want to know why there is such a thing as hell, and you don't suffer from heart problems, high blood pressure or anything else that can cause you health trouble if you read about the darkness in  this world, then do read this book, I have borrowed it. You can buy it from here: I don't believe all men who hav

Do we really want people to totally harden their hearts?

                                                              THE WAR AGAINST OUR GOD GIVEN CONSCIENCE, IS SPIRITUALLY DANGEROUS Shalom! to all of my precious blog followers. I hope you are doing fine, this week, and I hope you will have a blessed weekend. I really wish you all the best, why I hope we will someday spend eternity together. If that is what you also wish, you must turn to Jesus/Yeshua and accept him as Lord and savior, so you can enter to the royal family of the creator of the universe. If you already have made that choice, I am happy you have, and I hope you will keep on seeking God's face and grow in spirit, and that you are willing to carry the cross and leave this world no matter what happens, he will never abandon you. You can only be in his will, if you are willing to obey him and live according to his will for your life, and it is also written in the Bible, so make sure you read it.  This week I have felt God wanted me to speak up against the moral downfall, th

Not everyone who tells the truth is from God, learn to discern!

                                              WATCH OUT FOR FALSE PROPHETS                                                 Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all great and in good health, this rainy friday night. And that God will bless you with a happy weekend with many good memories to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. I hope those of you who not already have done so, will choose this weekend to accept Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and savior, so your journey can begin with the only way, truth and the life, who sent you on this earth in the first place, and has a special plan for you. He loves you more than anyone else ever will! and wants you as an addition to his family, there is room for more children in God's kingdom. He can forgive you for whatever you have done and set you free from whatever bondage you have, if you put your faith and trust in him, and choose to walk in obedience to his word, he can help you, just go to

We are heading towards the mark of the beast- Part 2

                            BE SURE YOU WON'T BE DECEIVED TO TAKE THE MARK                      Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with lovely memories, and that your weekend will bring you many blessings and joys to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. And I hope that you who haven't yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He is the only hope, the only way, the only truth and the only salvation there is, for this world and for our eternity. And he has a special plan for each and any one of us. Those of you who like me already have decided to follow Yeshua/Jesus, I hope you will be ready for what is going to come, the future persecutions, the price we will have to pay when we have chosen the right way, because the arrival of Yeshua /Jesus is coming closer, and the devil is getting more and  more angry and desperate to deceive souls away from Yeshua so they will spend eternity with