
Visar inlägg från januari, 2021

Jesus wants you to put your trust in him!

                                                                                                        ONLY BY TRUSTING JESUS CAN WE EVER ENTER HIS WILL       Shalom! to all of you, my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all fine and healthy, this day and age, and that your weekend will keep on being blessed by God's grace.  In Sweden it has been a bit cold lately, but tomorrow it will be up to 19 minus degrees outside, so the coldest day of several years is yet to come. I plan on ordering a fluffy fur hat, to keep me warm, once I find one without visible connections to the leftist part Russia( no offence to russians, I respect russia it is a beautiful country with beautiful people and I am happy so many are christian and conservative in there) but the fur hat I found on internet, was not  quite my type, it was similar to Lenins. My russian neighbours would just laugh at me, haha.  Anyway, I do wish you all the best, which is why I hope you who havent received Jesus/Yeshua in y

When Jesus looks at a unborn child, he sees a human being not a fetus!

THERE ARE NO FETUSES IN THE EYES OF THE LORD,  ONLY HUMANS CREATED IN HIS IMAGE Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, many or few.  I hope your week has been blessed and that you are all in great health, despite whats happening in this world. I hope you will have a blessed weekend too, in the grace and mercy of Jesus. He has sent you to this earth, and loves you very much. Which is why I hope those of you who haven't received Jesus in your hearts as Lord and Savior, will do that soon. He is already waiting for you and has a special plan for your life. You who like me who are christian, I hope you have been growing in your faith, while spending time with our Lord in prayer , worship, and bible studies and personal discussions heart to heart. Worship music really is a great medicine to all sicknesses, all fear, and all worry. My fauvorites are: 1. Ray Boltz, the anchor holds 2. What a healing Jesus( all artists sing them wonderfully just pick a fauvorite if you are interested. 3.

Don't give in to fear, but turn to Yeshua/Jesus instead!

                     LET GOD BE YOUR SAFETY AND YOUR SHELTER THESE EVIL TIMES           Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope you are fine and well, and have been blessed with good health and a happy week. And I hope you will have a blessed weekend also, filled with God's grace. If you haven't accepted Jesus/Yeshua in your heart yet, as Lord and savior, I hope you will do that soon, because he is what we all need, we are created in his image, to be in relationship with him, thats why we needed him to come to save our souls, and to do that he had to carry all of our sins upon his shoulders, on the cross, even thought he was without sin himself, his father being God our heavenly father, and his mother being a young virgin, he was and is also the Messiah Israel has been waiting for, and by the way the only salvation for anyone, gentile, jew or someone like me who is mixed with both jewish and gentile dna. He is the only way, truth and the life, and he has defeated de

Prayer call for the leaders of our nations

                                                                                 JESUS WANTS US TO PRAY FOR OUR LEADERS, INSTEAD OF ONLY COMPLAINING! Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers, I hope you are doing fine and well this day and hour.  We have now been in the year 2021 for 8 days. And a lot of things have happened. The riots and chaos in Trump rally, in America. And here in Sweden the government has now the authority to shut all organizations down who don't follow the "new regulations". It starts more and more look like a dictaturship, this country I have been born and raised in.  All libraries are shut down, almost all churches except mine where we meet at our pastors home and in the home of a wonderful couple that goes to our church, many gyms, several hotels, all movie theaters, and many cafeterias and popular shops inside malls. And now if anyone disobeys, they might shut down almost everything. After spending money to stuff that are not important, and t

Only if we love Jesus more than money, can we make it to the end

                                                                                                  THE LOVE OF MONEY IS ALSO A SIGN OF THE END TIMES Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. Today is the first day of the year 2021, and we have just celebrated the arrival of it, here in Sweden, and in many other countries, only of course not at the same time. I have tried to find some rest, after sleeping over in my friends house where I have celebrated new years eve almost every year a couple of years back now. I thank God for the blessing of the friends I still have close at my heart. They have been very good to me.And I love them. Some friends have decided to leave without saying anything, one has died and went to heaven, and with some friends I have had to cut ties personally with temporary or until eternity, because of conflicts that keep on arising and don't seem to be able to be solved with my heart protected. But in peace and no bitterness.  And there are friends of life,